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The study examines the impact of human resources development and organizational competitiveness in selected manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. During this study the primary and secondary data sourcing methods were adopted. The primary has to do with structured and unstructured questionnaire, personal interview and observation, while the secondary data were sourced from textbooks, journals, library materials, corporate magazines and internet materials. The population of the study is made up of 120 staff drawn from the two soft drinks firms under investigation out of which a sample size of 96 respondents was drawn via Taro Yemen’s formula. The frequency distribution table and including statistical tools such as Chi-Square were used for data analysis of the study. In findings it was revealed that there is a significant relationship between human resources development and organizational competitiveness. Hence it is  recommended that periodic employees training and development scheme should as a matter of strategic option be arranged for the employees in order to improve their skills and knowledge on their job for effective performance. Subsequently wages and other financial benefits of employees should be structured and upwardly reviewed by management for employees to improve on their level of productivity, employment of staff must be based on merit by human resource department in order to give room for best hands to work in the organization, management must encourage equity between effort put into the job and promotion to encourage hard work.

Table Of Contents

Title Page    i

Abstract      vii

Declaration iii

Certification         iv

Dedication  v

Acknowledgments         vi

Table Of Contents         vii

List Of Tables      x

List Of Figures     xi

CHAPTER 1        1


1.1     Background Of The Study      1

1.2     Statement Of Problems  3

1.3     Objectives Of The Study         4

1.4     Research Questions       5

1.5     Significance of the Study         5

1.6     Scope of the Study        6

1.7     Limitation of the Study  6

1.8     Definition of Terms       6

CHAPTER 2        8


2.1     Conceptual Framework 8

2.1.1 Concept of Human Resources Development        8

2.1.2  Dimensions Of Human Resources Development  10

2.1.3 The Need for Human Resources Development     12

2.1.4 Problems of Human Resource Development        13

2.1.5    Problems, Issues and Trends in Human Resource Management in Nigeria        13

2.1.6 Changing Demands of the Employers        16

2.1.7 Organizational Competitiveness       19

2.1.8 Measures of Organizational Competitiveness      20

2.2     Theoretical Review        22

2.2.1 Universalistic Theory    23

2.2.2 Contingency Theory      24

2.2.3 Configurational Theory 25

2.3     Empirical Framework    26

CHAPTER 3        28


3.1     Research Design   28

3.2     Population of the Study 28

3.3     Sample and Sampling Techniques    28

3.4     Questionnaire Design     29

3.5     Sources and Method of data Collection      30

3.6     Data Analytical Techniques    30

3.7     Reliability and Validity  32

CHAPTER 4        33


4.2     Data Analysis      34

4.3     Testing Of Hypothesis   38

CHAPTER 5        Error! Bookmark not defined.


CHAPTER 6        44


6.1 Summary       44

6.2 Conclusion     44

6.3 Recommendations   46

References  48

Appendix I 52

Appendix II          53



1.1     Background Of The Study

Organizational competitiveness  is the ability of a company or a product to compete with others and the desire to be more successful than other people”. According to Barney, Wright and Ketchen (2001), literally, the term describes the ability of firms and industries to stay competitive which, in turn, reflects their ability to improve or protect their position in relation to competitors which are active in the same market. In the view of Lall, (2001) competitiveness of a firm can be taken as its ability to do better than comparable firms in sales, market shares, or profitability. According to Porter (1998), a firm’s competitiveness refers to the competitive advantage over its rivals in a particular industry. Porter emphasized that a firm gains a competitive advantage when (a) it is able to generate and sustain profits that are greater than the average for its industry; (b) it manages to deliver the same benefits as its rivals but at a lower cost; and (c) it delivers benefits that exceed those of competing products by differentiating itself in the industry. For the firm, competitiveness is productivity reflected in either low costs or differentiated products that fetch premium prices (Porter, 1985). Firm level competitiveness is also defined as the firm’s ability to design, produce and/or market products superior to those offered by competitors, considering price and non-price qualities (Ambastha and Momaya, 2004), where non- price advantages may include quality, differentiation and brand image (Spyropoulou, Skarmeas, &Katsikeas, 2011); innovation, technology and internet connectivity (O’Cass &Weerawardena, 2009); productivity, agility; flexibility, adaptability and heritage. Hence, competitive advantage is a firm’s position of superiority or differential within the industry relative to its competitors (Cerrato & Depperu, 2011). In other words, firm-level competitiveness is related to the concept of competitive advantage, which is the heart of strategic management. One construct that can enhance organizational competitiveness is human resources planning. Human resource is now evolving approach that promotes the use of human, natural and financial resources to improve the economy, the environment and society in an integrated way for the benefit of current and future generations.

Human resource can be defined as the practice of reserving resources for future generation without any harm to the nature and other components of it. Apple (1998) human resource development ties together concern for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social, political, and economic challenges faced by humanity human resource science is the study of the concepts of human resource development and environmental science. There is an additional focus on the present generations responsibility to regenerate maintain and improve planetary resources for use by future generations.

The greatest asset of any organization is its human resources that ensure that achievement of the company’s goals and objective (source: Human resource Article 2012) it is unfortunate that most company’s organization have neglected the development and management of their chief asset which is human resource

Ogbodo (2007). According to Ubeku, (1995) human development is the function within an organization that focused on recruitment of management and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. It is also a strategic and comprehensive approach of managing people and the work place culture and environment Ubeku, (1995). Effective human resource management enables employees to contribute effectively and productively to the overall company direction and the accomplishment of the organization’s goals and objectives Fatunla, (2000). Human resources development is administrative activities associated with human resources planning, recruitment selection orientation training appraisal motivation and also a functions within an organization that focuses on people Graham, (1994).

Organizational competitiveness is a recurring theme examined by academicians, consultants and practitioners. The frequent and uncertain changes, greater competition between firms, the need for continuous innovations, quality enhancement and cost reduction force companies to face the challenge of improving their competitiveness and consequently their performance. This realization has propelled human resources development as a major field of study and the renewed interest has facilitated the development of newer approaches in managing organizations and human resource (HR), (Wright, 2005).

In recent years, it has been noted that good number of business establishment are having poor productivity as a result of lack of effective and efficient human resource. Business is full of uncertainty and the understanding of labour contribution or human resources development is vital for management especially in the areas of boosting organizational competitiveness, productivity and as well its profitability (Ubeku,1995).

1.2 Statement Of Problems

Both public and private organizations in Nigeria contribute to the wrong utilization of available human   resources. This is because graduates are employed in areas where they lack expertise. The management of some organization does not seem to know the importance of training and development on organizational competitiveness, Ubeku, (1995). Some management believes that if workers have acquired education, there is no need to training again. Provisions of welfare facilities are not given       adequate attention in some organization despite many policies being put in place to ensure workers productivity and efficiency and to possibly stamp out ethical practices in the public sector especially.

Problems identified in the study are Poor staff training, Lack of staff development and Inadequate employee coaching. Therefore, this study intends to solve the problems of human resources development and organizational competitiveness which many researchers has tried to look into over the years.

1.3 Objectives Of The Study

The main objective of the study is to examine human resources development and organizational competitiveness in some selected manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt. The specific objectives are as follow:

  1. To examine the relationship between staff training and organizational competitiveness.
  2. To examine the relationship between staff development and organizational competitiveness.

iii.      To examine the relationship between coaching and organizational competitiveness.

  1. To examine the relationship between organizational culture and organizational competitiveness.

1.4     Research Questions

The following question shall be use in the course of this research study.

  1. What is the relationship between staff training and organizational competitiveness?
  2. What is the relationship between staff development and organizational competitiveness?

iii.      What is the relationship between coaching and organizational competitiveness.

  1. To what extent does organizational culture influence the relationship between human resource development and organizational competitiveness?

1.5     Significance of the Study

This research has determined to examine human resources development and organizational competitiveness.

The significance of this work lies on the fact that it will help human resources managers improve organizational competitiveness in their organizations.

The study is focused towards gaining a detail insight on human resources development and organizational competitiveness. This research project will be beneficial to the business organizations, government, and people in the society who have quest for more knowledge on human resources development and organizational competitiveness.

The study is also intended to provide a benchmark for business managers in Rivers State. Finally, this study will be of benefit to the students of Ken Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic and other institutions of higher learning on the insight o human resources development and organizational competitiveness.

1.6     Scope of the Study

The study has examined human resources development and organizational competitiveness. The study limit scope to some selected manufacturing firms in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State which include Pabod Breweries, First Aluminium and Port Harcourt Floor Millsall in Port Harcourt.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

The study is limited to the following limitations:

The level of frankness in response to questions by the respondents is quite doubtful.

Finance: Accessing fund for the research work as difficult and this to a great extent limited the quality of research activity.

Time: The time allocated to the research work was not sufficient to give room for further intensive work on the field of study.

Organization Policy: Policies of the organization limited the level of information received. The personnel of the firms were not willing to give information, stating that it was against the organization’s policy.

1.8 Definition of Terms

The researcher took the pains in giving the definitions of some uncommon terms used in this study; this is done in order to make it possible for the project work to have the full of human resources development.

The following are some of the related terms used in the study:

Organization: An organization or organization (see spelling differences) is an entity, such as an institution or        an association that has a collective goal and is linked to an    external environment.

Human Resources Development: It is the framework for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities.

Competitiveness: The quality of being as good as or better than others of a comparable nature.

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