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Libraries have been an important part of educational and information sector of any school.  The success of any library largely depends on proper management. Several libraries have suffered failure as a result of inadequate management and incapacitations in handling sensitive information as regards members of the library. This research therefore, aimed at developing a efficient library cataloging system, which will help direct and position library to meets its ever increasing demands. In the course of the development of this new system, the current system was analytically and critically studied or assessed and thus the identified strengths and weaknesses were highlighted and a new system was designed for the weakness. The present system was analyzed using a standard procedure recognized worldwide for such purpose and this is called Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM).  The visual basic 6.0 programming language was used to code the program modules developed for the system using some computer aided design tools.




Efficient Library Cataloging System (ELCS) extends and integrate approaches adopted in traditional libraries as well as in distributed information systems, to yield high-end information systems, services and institutions.  Building a comprehensive library cataloging system will help users to manage all phases of the information lifecycle. Library automation began with cataloging, which is also where it has had the biggest impact. It’s come a long way since then, but catalogers will undoubtedly continue to play a vital role in developing new and innovative standards. Rules and standards will probably continue to be used by libraries, as they remain the best way to link the information and the user. It is important to adopt and maintain cataloging and classification standards in the school or college library and to keep abreast of changes in these standards. This enables the library to become a gateway to knowledge not only for local users, but also distance learners and other patrons. A library Catalog or library Catalogue is a register of all bibliographic items found in a library or group of libraries, such as a network of libraries at several locations. A bibliographic item can be any information entity (e.g books, computer files, graphics, cartographic materials etc) that is considered library material or a group of library materials or linked from the catalog as far as it is relevant to the catalog and to the users (patrons) of the library. Therefore, cataloging is the process of creating bibliographic records of works according to accepted rules or standards. This helps users efficiently survey a library’s holdings and determine where items are located.


There are numerous problems with the traditional libraries. The users of the traditional library need to go to the library physically which most times could lead to congestion of the library and worst still the storage space of the library might not be able to contain the available resources? A lot of time is spent searching for resources in the libraries; also, there is inability for the library resources to be accessed 24/7 and just like we know these library resources cannot be simultaneously used.  It is one at a time; all of these are difficulty experience during the use of the traditional libraries.


The Aims of this study is to develop an efficient library cataloguing system that implements or perform the following objectives:

  1. a) To create variety of access services for searching, browsing and discovering resources.
  2. b) To organize and index digital objectives for different purpose which includes cataloguing, finding aids and database.
  3. c) Reduction of loan and acquisition through the use of efficient library cataloguing.
  4. d) Comprehensive storage of large repository of data that can be accessed by authorized users.
  5. e) Reduce the cost of maintaining a traditional library.


In implementing the objectives of this study, the advantages of a efficient library cataloging over the traditional library are enormous.  Users will be able to access library resource digitally without the inconveniences of users carrying books, journals, magazines etc which could result in rapid wear and tear of this library resource.  Besides, it will afford users the opportunity to access digital books simultaneously without waiting for the book to be returned to the library.

The proposed system will provide security to help track library resources through the development of a comprehensive database that will be used to house the library resources.  The system will also eliminate some of the routine manual work prevalent in a traditional library.


The findings of this project is for an Efficient Library Cataloguing System using Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU) as a case study.  The scope of this study will deal on the following:

  1. Information indexing/cataloguing.
  2. Classification of library resource.
  3. Searching and retrieval (downloading).
  4. Registration of books/uploading of digital resources
  5. Registration of users.
  6. Database management.


 Bibliographic: can be any information entity (e.g books, computer files, graphics, cartographic materials etc) that is considered library material or a group of library materials or linked from the catalog as far as it is relevant to the catalog and to the users (patrons) of the library.

 Cataloging: Is the process of creating bibliographic records of works according to accepted rules or standards.

 Data: Data is a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automated means; data5 consists of basic facts that are the system’s raw material.

 Database: Database is an organized collection of related data. It means that data are structured in manner suitable to be stored, manipulated, and retrieved by users; By related I mean the data describe domain of interest to a group of users and that the users can use the data to answer questions concerning that domain.

 Library:  A building or room containing collections of books, periodicals and sometimes films and recorded music for people to read, borrow or refer to.

 Efficient library cataloging system:  Is a type of information retrieval system in which collections are stored in digital format.

 Information:  Information is the result of data processing, the data is processed, manipulated, organized, in order to be in suitable form for human interpretation.

 Record: A record is a generic term of a row in database, just like a card. A record very often represents a piece of content. The dynamic functionality of a system relies in a database in order to function.


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