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This research work was aimed at examining the effect of business policy on Rivers State Environmental Waste Management Agency. The study revealed that an ideal business policy is a catalyst for environmental waste management as an administrative arm of the state (agency). The sample was so respondents and the simple descriptive method was adopted in analyzing data for the study. Data for the study were gotten through primary and secondary sources, the primary data were gotten from questionnaires administered to respondents and personal interviews, while the secondary data were gotten from related textbooks, articles, journals, internet etc. chi-square was used as a statistical to analyze the data at 0.05 level of significance. The study pointed to a strong influence of effective business policy as a vital tool for environmental waste management and also provide awareness/ consciousness to staff and management staff light. Based on the discussion of findings and conclusion, it was recommended that business policy should be held with absolute primacy alongside the strategic intents of the agency to promote competitive performance among staff and limit creeping corruption and other adverse tendencies within the agency.





The advent of Industrial Revolution and the continuous increase in the industrial activities especially in the Port Harcourt Metropolis; a central city in Rivers State has attracted the migration of people and citizens and this can has increased the population growth in the city; congestion, increase in industrial and commercial activities.

This, so observed leaves the city with tons of waste produce generated on daily basis.

Environmental research, 2013; showed that the waste generation rate was 1.16kg/capital/day, categories of generated waste is of the categories of organic waste, paper and nylon (basic waste produce) with a mean percentage composition of 65%, 13% and 12% respectively.

The geometric growth in population as Port Harcourt Metropolis becomes a condensed city, leads to a reliable increase in commercial/domestic and industrial activities and a proportional increase in the generation of wastes, with an adverse effect on environmental health, growth and sustainable development.

In Nigeria, waste is construed as any material that lacks utility or an object or substance that the owner or generator voluntarily or involuntarily relinquishes ownership (Constitutional Provision for Waste Management: Section 20, 1999 Constitution).

Waste, given the above underpinning, can be categorized basically into Domestic, Commercial/Industrial waste. Since waste has become a recurring feature in urban environment, being a potential hazard to public health and environmental development, its imperfect handling has consequences.

According to Edmond Eltin (2004); waste constitutes a negative externality in that it does not possess the qualities of a perfect market good. From the postulation (Negative Externality), implies that Waste Management Agencies/Environmental Service Provisions requires extra-ordinary (specifically government effort) to turn it into an amiable investment material/area of investment  that will impact socio-public health and environmental development/maintenance positively as well as wealth creation/employment generation and improved standard of living.

It is also imperative to note here to, that though it is assumed to be a negative externality and a measure of human imperfection; waste is also associated with national (socio-economic) development and therefore can be seen as an index in the development of the economy; (Ken Westley 1991). It therefore demonstrates and support the need for its accommodation in the development plan as an integral part.

Government; as a social Agency (RIWAMA), like other business organizations, its mode of operations determines its level of effectiveness and efficiency which in operation is a function of the policies adopted or formulated and eventually implemented.

This therefore implies that the primacy of organizational effectiveness and efficiency circles around its policies and strategic plan (S.B. Baadom; 2007).

As demonstrated earlier, population growth, increased industrial and commercial activities, urbanization etc., provides the underlying for the formulation and implementation viable policies to ensure the successful achievement of the goals and aspirations of Government intents, agencies and parastatals concerned with environmental management and protection; specifically RIWAMA, for a successful waste management system and mechanism.

Analyzing the definition of waste given by the constitutional provision for waste management; Wastes are devalued or valueless products generated at three levels (domestic, commercial and industrial) of the society. Waste are and can be viewed as factor input for further production and rendering of services, this gives a direction for its management and control. Waste may consist of materials with some economic advantage and opportunity if properly researched.

From the forgoing thereof, it appears to be of a great essence and for a greater course to formulate, evaluate, integrate and eventually implement and monitor business oriented policies, as part of and a guide for the operations of public agencies concerned with environmental waste management and the total organizational system.


As observable as a natural phenomenon, waste generation has become an epidemic to sustainable development, environmental health and general standard of living. The ill-management/neglect of this is downturn to the value and degradation to the society in relation to a competent health environment.

Waste as a negative externality; what is the technique and strategy to which this phenomenon can be addressed.

Considering the high demand on environmental waste management, rapid changing public and urban development; public funds is not properly managed. The poor formulation of policies and procedures, in other to determine the extent to which waste and its evolving effects could be properly contained, controlled and organized with minimal cost effect.

The techniques for the conversion of wastes, its lacks, poor management and ineffective control system given that government agencies are classified with unnecessary bureaucracy, red-tapism, corruption, miss-appropriation of funds and ill-allocation of resourses.

RIWAMA as the basic agency for environmental waste maintenance and management; what policies are there to inform a sustainable self generating system, appropriate measures for waste control and the identification of the windows and opportunity in the management of environmental waste.


The purpose of the study is to determine the effect and role of business oriented policies in the management of environmental waste. To do this, this study is aimed at the following;

(i)    Identify the various types of business policies adoptable by organizations.

(ii)   Determine the extent to which business policies can affect the operations of such agencies economically.

(iii)  Determine how policies are formulated, structured and implemented and equally evaluated in such agencies; (RIWAMA).

(iv)  To determine the extent to which existing policy influences staff and members productivity and organizational operations.

(v)   Determine the extent to which existing, adoptable and evaluated policies could promote and influence waste planning, control and monitoring system.

(vi)  To determine implementable policies for the sustainability of such public agencies and for general sustainable development programs (Strategies).


It has been sighted that Waste management forms a part of the index for National and Economic Development.

Therefore the study is intended to;

(a)    Examine and present modern approaches to Waste Management and Control System.

(b)   Demonstrate the need and usefulness of Business Policy in the Management of Complex Environmental Waste and for the Administration of Public Enterprises (Agencies & Ministries).

(c)    To Provide information useful for the formation and evaluation of policies; as guides to administrative actions.

(d)   Provide managers and administrators alike, the essentials of Business Policy and evaluation of the industrial growth and development.

(e)    Proffer lateral approaches for the management and solutions for the problems inherent in environmental population; Environmental Waste.

(f)    Provide clues and information for further study and development of the subject and or other articles as may it relate to, by up-coming and interested scholars on this field.


This study and the researcher, will be guided by the following questions;

  1. Does the Agency’s policy gear towards actualizing its administrative goals?
  2. Do you think business (oriented) policy is a factor for effective and efficient environmental waste management?

iii.    What process is used in the formulation of policy in the agency?


H0:  There is no significant effect of business policy on environmental waste management.

H1:  There is a significant effect of business policy on environmental waste management.


The scope of the study and for its intended purpose was committed to rivers state environmental waste management agency, (RIWAMA).

Limitation of the Study

Though this study is voluminous and resourceful, the researcher was limited by the following factors;

  1. Time factor
  2. Financial constraints
  3. Population size.


Waste Management Facility: Includes a facility for the receipt, segregation, treatment and disposal of wastes, load transfer centre, buy back centre, treatment plant, incinerator, land fill and other waste disposal site. (RIWAMA)

Waste Management Services: Includes the collection, transportation, recycling and scraping dealership.

Policy: A Statement of management intent with respect to matters of broad and long range significance.

Strategy: A unified comprehensive and integrated plan designed to ensure that the basic objective of an enterprise is achieved.


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