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In line with the decisions and findings above, the following conclusions are made: Quality Control Measures if adopted and followed religiously will enhance the performance of organization within the cosmetic manufacturing sector. That most quality control measures by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and control (NAFDAC) has given rise to a more reliable and qualitative cosmetic products. Hence, organizational policies and procedures within this industry relating to quality control should be adequately planned and implemented. An increase in employee involvement in quality control decisions will encourage more participation in quality management. Training and development has increased the employee awareness to strategic quality control benefits, hence quality products abounds in the market place. Cosmetic organizations should create a more viable research and development department that should be charged with constant review of products and services. The Nigerian consumers should remove bias in their perception of purchases of cosmetic products to encourage the indigenous organizations. Based on the discussions made and conclusion reached, we offer the following recommendations. Constant appraisal of the quality control measures established must be done by NAFDAC to ensure effectiveness in usage and meeting with international standards. NAFDAC officials must engage in unofficial visit to the various cosmetic organizations to ensure that they don’t engage in sharp practices after the initial inspection. Organizations should endeavor to comply with the rules and regulations by NAFDAC to foster good quality products in the market. Government should encourage the cosmetic manufacturing sector by providing the required amenities for proper operations. Employees should be constantly trained and developed in all aspect of quality control management to ensure constant quality product in the markets. Consumers should remove bias in their perception of indigenous products especially in the cosmetic sector. Finally, NAFDAC must be encouraged to continue in its role of publicity to consumers and destroying of substandard products as soon as dictated to prevent others.





The information highway has turned the world into a global village. Organizations are facing the kind of competition that was not envisaged a few years ago. Organizations have to compete with goods and services from all over the world and satisfy a more educated and sophisticated customers. What is satisfactory to customers today may not be regarded as such tomorrow as their expectations are continuously changing. Also, there has been consistent breakthrough in science and technology over the last couple of decades. Moreover, the fall-out of a deregulated global competition has offered customers choices among various alternatives. Today, customers demand high quality and low priced products. Since no one organization can boast of holding franchise to the development and delivery of quality products/services, hence many organizations have embraced quality control concept as a way of survival.

Cummings and Worley (1993) states that “Total quality is achieved when organizational processes reliably produce products and services that meets or exceed customer expectations and when commitment to the continuous improvement of all processes becomes a part of the organizations culture”.

Most Nigerian firms have liquidated; the few survivors are either in the verge of collapse or just managing to exist. These problems emanate from poor management of these firms. Thus, one begins to wonder why considering the significant increase in recent years on the attention given to the management performance.

The shock is tenser on realizing that most of our cosmetic products are not regarded as qualitative in the face of foreign cosmetic products. Does it really mean that the practice of quality control in these firms is inconsistent or irrational? Does it lack planning or does quality control measure not have any significant impact on managerial performance?

While a lot of strides have focused attention on managerial performance, very few have focused attention on the effect of quality control as a strategy for improving managerial and organizational performance.

Therefore, there is an urgent need for an organization-wide approach and commitment to quality improvement, thus the development of the “total quality management concept”, every organization that is into manufacturing strives to achieve their primary objective which includes: survival, efficiency, large market share, profitability and etc. must consider their resource base. Hence, it follows that management must plan, organize and control the use of available resources to accomplish the specified long-term objectives. Great emphasis must be placed on quality control as an essential well and how long a product or service meets the customer requirements. The role of technological changes has intensified customer’s taste in this competitive market place. Therefore, organizations must structure its policies and procedures to adapt to quality control standards.

A trip into most of our Nigeria markets shows that a good number of products sold are of inferior quality compared to their foreign counterparts. The buyer has been deceived by different names given to the products, for example, some call it Aba- made, Taiwan- made, Igbo-made etc. The proliferation of these products can be checked through the introduction of a sound quality control in our production establishments. Therefore, the establishment of a sound quality control system in any organization would be ineffective without proper management and application of the necessary quality standards as established by the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration Control (NAFDAC).


The Nigerian business environment is highly volatile with frequent changes in work processes, practices and employees motivation. Thus, corporate bodies that do not respond quicldy often have problems, which in the long-run affect their productivity levels. Competition has become so high in all fronts that the time is now, when organizations will only survive by customers in every area of organizational life have taken the centre stage. Also, the continual wave of technological and environmental change have turned several organizations into by standers on the road to the future, and have made their structures, processes and skills becomes progressively less attuned to the ever changing realities of the demands and expectation of the present day customers. Similarly Bellis-jones and

Hand (1989) states “the cost of prevention (getting things right first time) is less than the cost of correction (not getting things consistently right first time)”.

Quality improvement and service delivery is still seen by many organizations today, not as a way of survival but as optional extras. Even on occasions, where a good number of organizations attempts improvement effort, they merely focus on catching up to competitors instead of focusing on those activities that will increase new advantage to their goal. Managers are not able to adapt their organizations to the dictates of the new trend of total quality management concepts. Most organizations in manufacturing sector only pay lip service to total quality management implementation. Hence, to what extent are executives in Nigerian companies aware of the unending pressures on them to conform to quality standard? This study will be concerned with the analysis of quality control applications in the cosmetic manufacturing companies in Nigeria and their effectiveness in meeting customer need and expectations.


With the dynamic nature of tile Nigerian business environment, a systematic approach to solving managerial problems becomes increasingly important. Thus, quality control measures have placed great challenges to the cosmetic manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Therefore, this study involves identifying who makes quality control decisions, how it is done and why the preference for foreign cosmetic products in the Nigerian markets. However, among other aims, this study specifically has the following purposes:

  • To find out the effects of quality control measures on organizational effectiveness.
  1. To determine the quality control measures used by the cosmetic organizations in Nigeria.
  2. To ascertain the extent to which manufacturing organizations comply with NAFDAC standards.
  3. To ascertain the extent to which employees participate in quality control decisions making.


The following research questions when answered will enable the researcher ascertain the relationship between the variables;

  • Do quality control measures differ in the cosmetic manufacturing organizations in Nigeria?
  • Does quality control measure affect organizational effectiveness in Nigeria?
  • Does the current practice of quality control measures ensure high quality products in the Nigerian market?
  • Do organizations comply with the quality control measures of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)?
  • Are employees involved in quality control decisions in their organization?


This study will be of immense benefit to corporate decision makers, especially those of the cosmetic manufacturing companies charged with the responsibility of quality control administration, as it will guide them in effective formulation and implementation of quality control systems in our volatile economy. Similarly, it will provide useful information to members of the public and private sectors who might be interested in knowing about recent philosophies on the performance of cosmetic organizations in Nigeria.

It will also analyze areas where quality control measures are needed and the relevance of such control measures to the satisfaction of the final customer.

Finally, the findings of this study will also help to guide policy makers in decisions making, especially those in the cosmetic manufacturing sector.


The successful completion of this study was not without some limitations. Research has shown that completed questionnaire are never returned one hundred percent (100%), and even some of those returned are never properly filled. This study is no exception to the problem.

Also, this study only considered the cosmetic manufacturing organizations in Abia State that are registered by NAFDAC, hence the unregistered firms were not considered in our sample group.

The non cooperating attitudes of some managers and supervisors in some of the organizations due to the nature of the topic (quality control) was another serious limitation However, serious efforts were made to ensure that meaningful information was realized in this study.


The under listed terms shall be construed as defined here under;

QUALITY:     Is the excellence of a product, including its attractiveness, lack of defects, reliability and long-term dependability.

CONTROL:    Is a management function in which performance is measured and corrective action is taken to ensure the accomplishment of organizational goals.

MANUFACTURING ORGANIZATIONS: Firm engaged in the process conversion, adding values, assembling or reconstituting raw materials into mere form or finished products.

EFFECTIVENESS: The achievement of desired objectives, it is the ratio of output produced by the organization to the societal output desired from the organization.

NAFDAC: National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control.

SON:  Standard organization of Nigeria


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