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The study examined the relationship between Organizational Change and Corporate performance of Selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt a Survey approach was adopted. The study was designed to focus on some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt, Rivers State where primary data. The population of the study is designed to constitutes all management and junior staff of selected form the human resources department of the selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt, Rivers State which are denoted as MTN =70 and GLO =60.The population of the study was made to be 51 one hundred and thirty (130). A self-designed questionnaire on organizational change and corporate performance was used and administered for the collection of data from the respondents in selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. The instrument used in the data collected is interview and questionnaire method which are seen as being more effective and stable for a research of this nature. The Taro Yemen’s formula was used to determine the sample size of 104. The simple percentage was used to analyze the response. The Chi-Square (X2) statistical tool was used to test the hypotheses. Finding reveals that there is a significant relationship between Organizational Change and Corporate performance. Based on the findings of the summary conclusion and recommendations were made that Technology has influenced employee’s performance since it simplifies the work to be done and also making work more efficient, Strong organizational culture will help to build good relationships based on their values, norms, behaviours, and perceptions. Culture improves on how the individuals view their work and Leadership change leader’s mind-set, style, and behavior, and the change process they design as a result of their orientation, must catalyses employees to want to participate, to choose to contribute, rather than force them to do so.
Table of Contents
Title Page i
Declaration iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgments vi
Abstract vii
Table of Contents viii
List of Tables x
List of Figure xi
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study 4
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.5 Research hypotheses 5
1.6 Significance of the Study 6
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study 6
1.8 Definition of Terms 7
2.1 Conceptual Framework 10
2.1.1 Concept of Organizational Change 10
2.1.2 Dimensions of Organizational Change 12
2.1.3 Corporate performance 17
2.1.4 Measures of Productivity 18
2.1.5 Relationship between Organizational Change and Corporate performance 19
2.2 Theoretical Framework 21
2.2.1 Kurt Lewins Change Model (1951) 21
2.3 Empirical Review 23
3.1 Research Design 26
3.2 Population of the Study 26
3.3 Questionnaire Design 27
3.4 Source and Method of Data Collection 27
3.5 Sample and Sampling Techniques 28
3.6 Data Analytical Techniques 29
3.7 Reliability and Validity 29
4.1 Questionnaires Administration and Retrieval 31
Table 4.1 Questionnaires Administration and Retrieval 31
4.2 Data Analysis 32
4.4 Discussion of Findings 40
5.1 Summary 43
5.2 Conclusion 43
5.3 Recommendations 44
References 45
Appendix I 48
Appendix II 49
List of Tables
Table 4.1 Questionnaires Administration and Retrieval 31
Table 4.2: show age bracket of respondents 32
Table 4.3: show sex of respondents 32
Table 4.4: Academic qualification 33
Table 4.5: Marital status 33
Table 4.6: Organizational structure associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 34
Table 4.7: Response showing if technological change associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 35
Table 4.8: Response showing if organizational leadership associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 36
Table 4.9: Response showing if organizational culture associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 37
Table 4.10 Contigency table 38
Table 4.11 Chi-Square Table 39
List of Figure
Figure 2.1: A Conceptual Framework Showing the Relationship between Organizational Change and Corporate performance 10
1.1 Background of the Study
Corporate Performance in business organizations has been strongly influenced by the rise of the balanced scorecard framework. It is common for managers to use the balanced scorecard framework to clarify the goals of an organization, to identify how to track them, and to structure the mechanisms by which interventions will be triggered. Corporate Performance (CP), is an increasingly important concept used to ensure the private sector has a positive impact on communities, employees and consumers. This is especially so in geographies where basic governance, the rule of law and accountability mechanisms are lacking or limited, (Hilmer, 1994). Corporate Performance, also commonly referred to as enterprise performance management or business performance management (BPM), is a business methodology that promotes the ongoing tracking and measurement of the performance of an entire organization as a whole (as opposed to a specific department or business unit, or even an individual employee), (Hoover, 2006). Critical metrics and key performance indicators, such as revenues, profits, cash flow, customer retention, or employee turnover, are often measured as part of a corporate performance management strategy. Petroleum Prospecting firms in Port Harcourt Companies seeking to implement a corporate performance management program have many techniques to choose from.
Corporate performance management strategies have been proven to deliver substantial advantages (Lawler, & Mohrman, 2009). CPM enhances communication, collaboration, and alignment among all levels of an organization, bringing together staff members at the executive, management, and operational levels in support of common goals. Corporate performance management also boosts productivity, reduces overhead expenses, increases flexibility and responsiveness to dynamic market conditions, enhances risk management, and facilitates improved adherence to regulatory guidelines. But not all corporate performance management strategies are successful. Surprisingly, many CPM initiatives fail to deliver the desired results. This is primarily because strategies and priorities are not properly communicated beyond the executive level, which leads to poor organizational alignment. Additionally, there is often a lack of accountability, as stakeholders simply don’t understand how they will be expected to help reach certain goals. organizational change is one construct that can enhance corporate operformance. Organizational change is any action or set of actions resulting in a shift in direction or process that affects the way an organization works. Change is the process of becoming different. It can be deliberate and planned by leaders within the organization (for instance, shift from inpatient hospital focus to outpatient primary care model), or change can originate outside the organization (budget cut by Congress) and beyond its control. Change may affect the strategies an organization uses to carry out its mission, the processes for implementing those strategies, the tasks and functions performed by the people in the organization, and the relationships between those people. Naturally, some changes are relatively small, while others are sweeping in scope, amounting to an organizational transformation (Fisher, 2001).
Change is a fact of organizational life, just as it is in human life. An organization that does not change cannot survive long much less thrive in an unpredictable world. Several factors may make organizational change necessary, including new competition in the marketplace or new demands by customers (Kotler, 1999). When organizational change is well planned and implemented, it helps assure the organizations’ continued survival. It can produce many tangible benefits, including improved competitiveness, better financial performance, and higher levels of customer and employee satisfaction. Not every individual in the organization will benefit personally from change some will be casualties of change, especially if jobs are cut or realigned. But change should make the organization as a whole stronger and better equipped for the future (Mullins, 2007).
Change is inevitable in organizational life and the rate of change is accelerating. Gradually, the process of change confronts almost every individual in his work and personal life. Understanding the nature of change and how it affects people contributes to an understanding of human behavior in organizations (Durbin, 1978). Organizations are concerned with what should be done to achieve sustained high levels of performance through people (Armstrong, 2001). Organizations are under tremendous pressure to pursue organizational change in order to survive in an environment of increasing change and turbulence. Management scholars know that this level of change may have a serious negative effect on employee attitudes and performance (Osterman, 2000). From the foregoing therefore, the study seeks to examine the relationship between organizational change and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Corporate performance is a crucial characteristic in Nigeria unpredictable business environment. At its core, resilience is the spark of determination that empowers us to get up and try again, no matter the circumstances. We have seen time again that the most successful business is resilient enough to bound back from any crisis. Many organizations have faded to recognize the importance of investing in innovative venture and putting in place productivity platform that will help them respond to unforeseen changes, and this has led to low profitability, poor return on investment and eventual death. Therefore, this study seeks to explore the relationship between organizational change and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between organizational change and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. However, the specific objectives include;
1. To determine the extent to which organizational structure associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
2. To examine the extent to which technological change associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
3. Ascertain the extent to which organizational leadership associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
4. Ascertain the extent to which organizational culture associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1.4 Research Questions
With the above objectives in focus, the study seeks to find answers to the following questions:
1. Does organizational structure associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
2. Does technological change associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
3. Does organizational leadership associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
4. Does organizational culture associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
1.5 Research hypotheses
The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:
H01: There is no significant relationship between organizational change and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
H02: There is a significant relationship between knowledge acquisition and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
H03: There is a significant relationship between Knowledge sharing and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
H04: There is a significant relationship between knowledge utilization and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1.6 Significance of the Study
Today’s business environment posses great challenge to managers who have to consistency deal with customer changing task and preference and also cope with change management pressure from competitors with resilience being the total point change management sure to be a rescue to managers.
This work highlights the importance of organizational change and corporate performance. And its role in helping this organization withstand environment, pressure ad challenges of being organizational change is one area where organization failed to explore in their bid to remain relevant and competitive in the industry. This work will open the eyes of managers and scholars to the numerous advantages of change management in every organization. This work shows scholars how organizational change and corporate performance can be in competition and proves that change management a head in the industry.
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study
The scope of this study is delimited into the followings:
Content Scope: The specific areas of organizational change and corporate performance the study investigated include; Corporate performance which measures goal achievement, effectiveness and efficiency. Whereas, the areas of organizational change includes organizational structure, technological change and organizational leadership.
Geographical scope: This study covers an examination of strategic contributions of organizational change and corporate performance the scope of the study covers selected communication firms in Port Harcourt which include MTN and Glo.
Unit of Analysis: This is a macro study because it is interested in ascertaining the survival of an organization in this direction. Hence, it is a micro level study.
The major limitation of the study is the short time frame the research lasted, coupled with the tight academic time table, which prevented a very comprehensive study. The fund available to the researcher was also limited and therefore the study was limited to a small portion of the survey population.
Another limitation is the difficulties, encountered by the researcher in obtaining all needed information and materials from the right source and computation of data for the project.
1.8 Definition of Terms
It is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression.
It is the ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in doing something or in producing a desired result. In a more general sense, it is the ability to do things well, successfully, and without waste.
Productivity is a measure of the quantity and quality of work done, considering the cost of the resources used.
Goal Achievement A goal is a desired result or possible outcome that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve: a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Many people or organizations endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.
Organizational structure enables an organization to have common views and mission.
It is the process of continually renewing an organization direction, structure and capabilities to serve the ever changing needs of external and internal customers.
It is a mixture of values, sets, beliefs, communications and explanation of behaviour that provides guidance to people. Organizational culture comprises the unwritten customs, behaviors and beliefs that determine the rules of the game for decision-making, structure and power.
Employees are the most important assets in organizations, which without, the goals and objectives may not be attained.
Organizations have undergone a revolution in the adoption and application of complex information technology. In the hope of extracting the greatest value from innovations, organizations have adjusted their management structures, work processes and culture.
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The study examined the relationship between Organizational Change and Corporate performance of Selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt a Survey approach was adopted. The study was designed to focus on some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt, Rivers State where primary data. The population of the study is designed to constitutes all management and junior staff of selected form the human resources department of the selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt, Rivers State which are denoted as MTN =70 and GLO =60.The population of the study was made to be 51 one hundred and thirty (130). A self-designed questionnaire on organizational change and corporate performance was used and administered for the collection of data from the respondents in selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. The instrument used in the data collected is interview and questionnaire method which are seen as being more effective and stable for a research of this nature. The Taro Yemen’s formula was used to determine the sample size of 104. The simple percentage was used to analyze the response. The Chi-Square (X2) statistical tool was used to test the hypotheses. Finding reveals that there is a significant relationship between Organizational Change and Corporate performance. Based on the findings of the summary conclusion and recommendations were made that Technology has influenced employee’s performance since it simplifies the work to be done and also making work more efficient, Strong organizational culture will help to build good relationships based on their values, norms, behaviours, and perceptions. Culture improves on how the individuals view their work and Leadership change leader’s mind-set, style, and behavior, and the change process they design as a result of their orientation, must catalyses employees to want to participate, to choose to contribute, rather than force them to do so.
Table of Contents
Title Page i
Declaration iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgments vi
Abstract vii
Table of Contents viii
List of Tables x
List of Figure xi
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study 4
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.5 Research hypotheses 5
1.6 Significance of the Study 6
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study 6
1.8 Definition of Terms 7
2.1 Conceptual Framework 10
2.1.1 Concept of Organizational Change 10
2.1.2 Dimensions of Organizational Change 12
2.1.3 Corporate performance 17
2.1.4 Measures of Productivity 18
2.1.5 Relationship between Organizational Change and Corporate performance 19
2.2 Theoretical Framework 21
2.2.1 Kurt Lewins Change Model (1951) 21
2.3 Empirical Review 23
3.1 Research Design 26
3.2 Population of the Study 26
3.3 Questionnaire Design 27
3.4 Source and Method of Data Collection 27
3.5 Sample and Sampling Techniques 28
3.6 Data Analytical Techniques 29
3.7 Reliability and Validity 29
4.1 Questionnaires Administration and Retrieval 31
Table 4.1 Questionnaires Administration and Retrieval 31
4.2 Data Analysis 32
4.4 Discussion of Findings 40
5.1 Summary 43
5.2 Conclusion 43
5.3 Recommendations 44
References 45
Appendix I 48
Appendix II 49
List of Tables
Table 4.1 Questionnaires Administration and Retrieval 31
Table 4.2: show age bracket of respondents 32
Table 4.3: show sex of respondents 32
Table 4.4: Academic qualification 33
Table 4.5: Marital status 33
Table 4.6: Organizational structure associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 34
Table 4.7: Response showing if technological change associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 35
Table 4.8: Response showing if organizational leadership associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 36
Table 4.9: Response showing if organizational culture associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 37
Table 4.10 Contigency table 38
Table 4.11 Chi-Square Table 39
List of Figure
Figure 2.1: A Conceptual Framework Showing the Relationship between Organizational Change and Corporate performance 10
1.1 Background of the Study
Corporate Performance in business organizations has been strongly influenced by the rise of the balanced scorecard framework. It is common for managers to use the balanced scorecard framework to clarify the goals of an organization, to identify how to track them, and to structure the mechanisms by which interventions will be triggered. Corporate Performance (CP), is an increasingly important concept used to ensure the private sector has a positive impact on communities, employees and consumers. This is especially so in geographies where basic governance, the rule of law and accountability mechanisms are lacking or limited, (Hilmer, 1994). Corporate Performance, also commonly referred to as enterprise performance management or business performance management (BPM), is a business methodology that promotes the ongoing tracking and measurement of the performance of an entire organization as a whole (as opposed to a specific department or business unit, or even an individual employee), (Hoover, 2006). Critical metrics and key performance indicators, such as revenues, profits, cash flow, customer retention, or employee turnover, are often measured as part of a corporate performance management strategy. Petroleum Prospecting firms in Port Harcourt Companies seeking to implement a corporate performance management program have many techniques to choose from.
Corporate performance management strategies have been proven to deliver substantial advantages (Lawler, & Mohrman, 2009). CPM enhances communication, collaboration, and alignment among all levels of an organization, bringing together staff members at the executive, management, and operational levels in support of common goals. Corporate performance management also boosts productivity, reduces overhead expenses, increases flexibility and responsiveness to dynamic market conditions, enhances risk management, and facilitates improved adherence to regulatory guidelines. But not all corporate performance management strategies are successful. Surprisingly, many CPM initiatives fail to deliver the desired results. This is primarily because strategies and priorities are not properly communicated beyond the executive level, which leads to poor organizational alignment. Additionally, there is often a lack of accountability, as stakeholders simply don’t understand how they will be expected to help reach certain goals. organizational change is one construct that can enhance corporate operformance. Organizational change is any action or set of actions resulting in a shift in direction or process that affects the way an organization works. Change is the process of becoming different. It can be deliberate and planned by leaders within the organization (for instance, shift from inpatient hospital focus to outpatient primary care model), or change can originate outside the organization (budget cut by Congress) and beyond its control. Change may affect the strategies an organization uses to carry out its mission, the processes for implementing those strategies, the tasks and functions performed by the people in the organization, and the relationships between those people. Naturally, some changes are relatively small, while others are sweeping in scope, amounting to an organizational transformation (Fisher, 2001).
Change is a fact of organizational life, just as it is in human life. An organization that does not change cannot survive long much less thrive in an unpredictable world. Several factors may make organizational change necessary, including new competition in the marketplace or new demands by customers (Kotler, 1999). When organizational change is well planned and implemented, it helps assure the organizations’ continued survival. It can produce many tangible benefits, including improved competitiveness, better financial performance, and higher levels of customer and employee satisfaction. Not every individual in the organization will benefit personally from change some will be casualties of change, especially if jobs are cut or realigned. But change should make the organization as a whole stronger and better equipped for the future (Mullins, 2007).
Change is inevitable in organizational life and the rate of change is accelerating. Gradually, the process of change confronts almost every individual in his work and personal life. Understanding the nature of change and how it affects people contributes to an understanding of human behavior in organizations (Durbin, 1978). Organizations are concerned with what should be done to achieve sustained high levels of performance through people (Armstrong, 2001). Organizations are under tremendous pressure to pursue organizational change in order to survive in an environment of increasing change and turbulence. Management scholars know that this level of change may have a serious negative effect on employee attitudes and performance (Osterman, 2000). From the foregoing therefore, the study seeks to examine the relationship between organizational change and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Corporate performance is a crucial characteristic in Nigeria unpredictable business environment. At its core, resilience is the spark of determination that empowers us to get up and try again, no matter the circumstances. We have seen time again that the most successful business is resilient enough to bound back from any crisis. Many organizations have faded to recognize the importance of investing in innovative venture and putting in place productivity platform that will help them respond to unforeseen changes, and this has led to low profitability, poor return on investment and eventual death. Therefore, this study seeks to explore the relationship between organizational change and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between organizational change and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. However, the specific objectives include;
1. To determine the extent to which organizational structure associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
2. To examine the extent to which technological change associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
3. Ascertain the extent to which organizational leadership associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
4. Ascertain the extent to which organizational culture associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1.4 Research Questions
With the above objectives in focus, the study seeks to find answers to the following questions:
1. Does organizational structure associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
2. Does technological change associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
3. Does organizational leadership associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
4. Does organizational culture associate with associate with corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
1.5 Research hypotheses
The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:
H01: There is no significant relationship between organizational change and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
H02: There is a significant relationship between knowledge acquisition and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
H03: There is a significant relationship between Knowledge sharing and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
H04: There is a significant relationship between knowledge utilization and corporate performance in some selected telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1.6 Significance of the Study
Today’s business environment posses great challenge to managers who have to consistency deal with customer changing task and preference and also cope with change management pressure from competitors with resilience being the total point change management sure to be a rescue to managers.
This work highlights the importance of organizational change and corporate performance. And its role in helping this organization withstand environment, pressure ad challenges of being organizational change is one area where organization failed to explore in their bid to remain relevant and competitive in the industry. This work will open the eyes of managers and scholars to the numerous advantages of change management in every organization. This work shows scholars how organizational change and corporate performance can be in competition and proves that change management a head in the industry.
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study
The scope of this study is delimited into the followings:
Content Scope: The specific areas of organizational change and corporate performance the study investigated include; Corporate performance which measures goal achievement, effectiveness and efficiency. Whereas, the areas of organizational change includes organizational structure, technological change and organizational leadership.
Geographical scope: This study covers an examination of strategic contributions of organizational change and corporate performance the scope of the study covers selected communication firms in Port Harcourt which include MTN and Glo.
Unit of Analysis: This is a macro study because it is interested in ascertaining the survival of an organization in this direction. Hence, it is a micro level study.
The major limitation of the study is the short time frame the research lasted, coupled with the tight academic time table, which prevented a very comprehensive study. The fund available to the researcher was also limited and therefore the study was limited to a small portion of the survey population.
Another limitation is the difficulties, encountered by the researcher in obtaining all needed information and materials from the right source and computation of data for the project.
1.8 Definition of Terms
It is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression.
It is the ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in doing something or in producing a desired result. In a more general sense, it is the ability to do things well, successfully, and without waste.
Productivity is a measure of the quantity and quality of work done, considering the cost of the resources used.
Goal Achievement A goal is a desired result or possible outcome that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve: a personal or organizational desired end-point in some sort of assumed development. Many people or organizations endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.
Organizational structure enables an organization to have common views and mission.
It is the process of continually renewing an organization direction, structure and capabilities to serve the ever changing needs of external and internal customers.
It is a mixture of values, sets, beliefs, communications and explanation of behaviour that provides guidance to people. Organizational culture comprises the unwritten customs, behaviors and beliefs that determine the rules of the game for decision-making, structure and power.
Employees are the most important assets in organizations, which without, the goals and objectives may not be attained.
Organizations have undergone a revolution in the adoption and application of complex information technology. In the hope of extracting the greatest value from innovations, organizations have adjusted their management structures, work processes and culture.
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