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This study is targeted at manpower development and employee performance. Data were collected with the aid of questionnaire which is one of the acceptable means of collecting primary data. Data were also analyzed using tables and percentages while the research hypothesis is tested with the aid of spearman rank order revelation coefficient. This study found out that there is a significant relationship between manpower development and employee job performance of work. Based on the findings, it is included that manpower development enhance employee job performance from the findings and conclusion, it is recommended at manufacturing firms in Nigeria should embrace manpower development since it would enhance their performance.
1.1 Background of the Study
Once an applicant has been selected and placed properly by his employer, the next step is to transform him to meet the future requirements of the organization. Such transformation is done by mean of development. For organization goal and objectives to be attainted, effective, proficient and adept human resource is vital and imperative. This is because human beings constitute a vital part of any organization, thus, acts as building blocks and backbones of any organization. And determines the level of productivity in the organization. (Abiodun 1999), said human Resources are the most tent assets that any organization possesses. Without them, machinery/ equipment, materials and even capital of the company will count to nothing as nothing gets done without the input of the manpower resource of the organization. Similarly, Resis (1983), affirmed that all activities of any enterprise are initiated air determined the persons that make up these institutions. He said further that e plants, computers, automated equipment and all other machines Lt modem organizations use are unproductive expect for human ort and direct. He therefore concluded that every aspect of a firm’s activity is determined by the competence and effectiveness of its human beings.
According to Adeniyi (1995), manpower development is a necessary work activity that makes a very significant contribution to the overall people who form and work within the organization. The observation of Onuka (2006) implies that it is the developed human capital of a nation that constitutes its wealth. It follows, therefore, that employees performance in respect of achieving organizational goals and success. Is a function of the quantum of the relevant skills and knowledge, and positive work attitude they have been able to acquire from constant manpower development programs, whether through committee / on the job training, or coaching in house training programs.
Omole (2004) posits that manpower development providing learning and development opportunities, makingtrainingintervention and planning, conducting and evaluating training programmes. The need for on proved productivity in an organization universally accepted phenomena that depend on efficient manpower development.
Despite the increasing effects of development of organizational there is still limited literature on human resource issues in developing countries (Debrah and Ofori 2006,440) and increasing concerns from organizational customers towards quality services in the manufacturing sector. It is further worth noting that while much is known about the economics of development in developed world, studies of issue associated with development in dies in this relation (Harvey, Matt and Milord 2002; Jackson 2002; Kamoche 2002; Kamoche, Debrah, Hortwiz and Muuka 2004; Kraak2005) have taken a general human resource management (HRM) focus creating a gap on issues such as the effect of manpower development employee performance. This study will contribute in minimizing this gap in the literature and thereby establish the basis to management understanding of some aspect of human resource in general and development in particular in River State.
1.2 Statement of Problem
It has become necessary in view of modem global advancement, to invest in human capital development. Thus, the role played by staff development can no longer be over-emphasized. By implication, therefore, the need for organization to take staff development for their employees seriously has become an undisputable imperative.
Absence of staff development in an organization often manifests tripartite problems of incompetence, inefficiency and ineffectiveness. 2000) submits that development is aimed at developing competences such as technical, human conceptual and managerial skill for the furtherance of individual and organizational growth. From this lack of development results to incompetence in technological, human and managerial skills.
3.1 Objective of the Study
In light of the above background, the aim of the study is to examine the following objectives.
To examine the impact of coaching on job performance.
To examine the impact of employee training on job performance.
To examine the impact of organizational culture on jobperformance.
1.4 Research Questions
1. The following research questions are necessary for the study:
2. What will be the effect of coaching on job performance?
3. What will be the effect of training on job performance?
4. What will be the effect of organizational culture on job performance?
5. Does employee training affect the quality of goods produced?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
In accordance with the research questions above, the following hypotheses were stated.
Ho1: There is no significant relationship between employee coaching and quantity of work.
Ho2: There is no significant relationship between employee coaching and quaiity of work.
Ho3: There no significant relationship between employee training and quantity of work.
Ho4: There is no significant relationship between employee training and quality of work.
1.6 Significant of the Study
A study of this nature will help manufacturing companies in Rivers state to adopt measures in the context of human resource planning and development.
The study is very significant because it will add to the existing literature which was add to the stock of knowledge and works already written on manpower training and development. Also it will afford the manufacturers association of Nigeria (MAN) the opportunity to identify benefits of manpower development and training.
It will also be beneficial to the academic community and decision makers who deal directly with the manufacturing sector and to make meaningful proposals and suggestion to improve the man sector. Also the study is important because it reveals the manufacturing sector to soci-economic development of Rivers State and Nigeria at large.
1.7 Scope of the Study
Here we consider content and geographic scope as well as the unit of analysis.
Content Scope: This study is restricted to literature on impact of manpower development on job performance its dimension, and its measures and the moderating role of culture.
Geographic Scope: This study covers selected manufacturing firms in Rivers State.
Study Unit: The unit of analysis for this study is the individual or micro level.
1.8 Limitation of the Study
The study has several constraints as follows:
Source of Data: The sourcing of data was restricted to selected companies only in Rivers State. Obviously, it would have been better to draw enough inference.
Negative Attitudes: Most of the respondents were very reluctant in answering questions for fear of confidentiality on the researcher. Inadequate time and money: The time required for the completion of this project was short, considering the fact that research is not always easy.
Enough money was really needed: unfortunately the poor nature of the economy hindered the research’s effort: Despite all these obstacles, the researcher conducted the research study, which eventually become a useful piece of work.
1.9 Definitions of Terms
The following terms were operationally defined to avoid ambiguity in the study.
Development: Is a board ongoing Multi facted set at bringing someone or an organization up to another threshold of performance, often to perform some job or a new role in the future (McNamara 2008). Employee Performance: Is defined as the outcome or contribution of employees to make them attain goals (Herbert and Lee 200).
Manpower: The human resources of an organization employed to attain the objectives of the organization.
Manpower development: Is the integration of individual, career and organization development roles in order to achieve maximum productivity.
1.10 Organization of the Study
This study consists of five chapters: the first chapter consists of the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study. Research questions, research hypothesis, significance of the study, definition of terms and lastly the organization of the study. Chapter two deals with literature reviews of concept relevant to the
chapter three, the methodology adopted to conduct the research was stated. This chapter deals with issues such as the research design, instrument and data collection tools and data analysis.
Chapter four deals with data presentation, discussion and analysis so discuses findings the last chapter candidates the findings of the study, conclusion and recommendations.
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