MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM AND CORPORATE SURVIVAL (A Study of Selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt)

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The  study  examined  the   impact  of   management  information   system  and corporate survival in selected catering schools in Port Harcourt, Rivers State  In the course of carrying out  the study, the primary and secondary data sourcing methods were adopted. The primary has to do with structured and unstructured questionnaire,  personal interview  and  observation, while  the  secondary data were sourced from existing textbooks, journal library material. The population of study is made up of  one  hundred and five  (105).  staff  drawn  from  the  two selected catering schools in port  Harcourt under investigation  out  of which a sample size is of  84  respondents were  draw via Taro Yemens formula.  The frequency distribution table and including statistical tools such as chi-square  were used  for  data  analysis    of  the  study.  However,  our  finding   reviewed  that management information  system dimension such as decision system, Executive information,  affect  corporate  survival especially in catering industry  Based on these, it is recommended among others that there should be introduction  and operation of central -data  -base management system which information  can be produced and communicated to various users at any point in time within the firm. Secondly, flexibility  in the nature / pattern and structure of management system in organization  so as to permit, informed and easy information  and accessibility to all information end-users.  There should be more seminars and training for the staff in the firm  to improve their  performance and the companies should pay more attention to communication through the media agencies.

Table of Contents

Title Page    i

Cover Page ii

Abstract      iii

Declaration iii

Certification         v

Dedication  vi

Acknowledgements        vii

Table of Contents viii

List of Table         ix

List of Figure        x

CHAPTER 1        1


1.1 Background of the Study  1

1.2 Statement of the Problem  3

1.3 Objectives of the Study     4

1.4Research Questions  5

1.5 Research Hypotheses        5

1.6Significance of the Study    5

1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study    7

1.8 Definition of Related Terms        8

CHAPTER 2        10


2.1 Conceptual Framework     10

2.1.1 Concept of Management Information System      11

2.1.2 Dimensions of Management Information Syatem 14

2.1.3 Concept of Corporate Survival         14

2.1.4 Measures of Corporate Survival       15

2.1.5 Management Information System and Corporate Survival      17

2.2Theoretical Framework      17

2.2.1 Theory OF Reasoned Action (TRA)  18

2.2.2The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour   18

2.2.3 Innovation Diffusion Theory   19

2.3 Empirical Review    20

CHAPTER 3        22


3.1 Research Design      22

3.2 Population of the Study    22

3.3     Questionnaire Design     23

3.4     Source and Method of Data Collection       23

3.5 Sample and Sampling Techniques        24

3.6     Data Analytical Techniques   25

3.7     Reliability and Validity 26

CHAPTER 4        27


4.1 Data Collection and Presentation         27

4.2 Data Analysis 28

4.3 Testing of Hypothesis       33

4.4 Discussion of Findings      35

CHAPTER 5        37


5.1 Summary       37

5.2 Conclusion     38

5.3 Recommendations   38

References  40

Appendix I 42

Appendix II          42

List of Table


Table 4.2: show age bracket of respondents        28

Table 4.3: show sex of respondents  28

Table 4.4: Academic qualification     29

Table 4.5: Marital status         29

Table 4.6: Decision support systems associate with Corporate Survival in        30

Table 4.7: Executive information systems associate with Corporate         31

Table 4.8: If Marketing Information Systems associate with Corporate    32

Table 4.9: if Enterprise resource planning associate with Corporate         32

Table 4.10: CONTIGENCY TABLE          34

Table 4.11: Chi-Square Table  34

List of Figure

Fig. 1:Conceptual Framework on management information system 10



1.1 Background of the Study

Corporate survival has been treated in literature to some extent over the years. The three pillars of survival as earlier promoted to Elkington, (1994a, 1994b, 1997, 1999) have become the popular survival indicators, which many researchers today adopt as measures of corporate survival (Lung & Levrat, 2014). Thesaurus dictionary looked at the verb “to survive” to mean the ability to maintain or “to endure” and it stressed the full meaning as being a method used in resource management so that it does not permanently damage in a given time frame. Lung & Levrat (2014) asserted that survival has been generally defined by Brundhand (1987) as; development that meets up with the needs of present situation of the society and the organization without comprising the condition of future of the generation to come and achieve their own needs”. This meaning of survival seeks to incorporate related needs, which demands critical planning and consideration of future benefits and survival. In line with this, this study focused on three key areas of survival which includes: economic, environmental and social concern which oil companies need to look at in their operations.  Management Information System is one construct that can enhance corporate survival. Management Information System (MIS) is generally thought of as an integrated system providing information to support operations, management and decision-making functions in an organization (Ajayi and Omirin, 2007). MIS involves three primary resources: technology, information and people. All of these resources are important but the most important resource is people. MIS are regarded to be a subset of the overall internal controls procedures in a business, which cover the application of people, documents and procedures used by management accountants to solve business problems such as costing a product, service or a business-wide strategy(lucey,2004). An MIS is basically concerned with the process of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting relevant information to support the management operations in any organizations (Laudon & Laudon, 1999). Information plays a crucial role in the decision-making process. Decision- making is the process of choosing what to do by considering the possible consequences of different choices (Beyth, fischoff, Jacobs and furby 1991).

MIS is an accessible and rapid conveyor belt for appropriate high quality information from its generation to its users.

However, management is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively(Balking ,Robert ,luiz and Gomez 2008).Management comprises planning ,organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. The essential role of MIS is to bring eligible individuals who would transform raw data into meaningful information to be used presently in future decision -making process. It aids the functioning and monitoring of an organization. It also describes the components and resources to ensure the proper functioning of an organization. The use of MIS has changed the physical layout of offices to accommodate local networks and departmental integrated systems.

A well -planned management information system enables a business firm to determine its information needs in a perspective that is important to its need, which is evaluated in relation to the overall operation of the organization (Andrew 2004). Effective MIS requires operational personnel who are skilled in a wild array of quantitative techniques. All levels of management need information on which to base decisions, plan, organize and control the overall structure of management information system. Information is the key element in any organizational process. It results from the processing of data. It is also a central component of communication process. From the foregoing therefore, the study seeks to examine the relationship between Management Information System and Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The problem of the study lies in the fact that the Catering Schools has not accommodated  the change  towards  the  use  of  technology  in  performing  its  functions  and  operations;  it  rather remained in the same position away from progress and excellence,  due to the intensification  of competition between private and public organizations as a result of the multiplicity and diversity of services and organizations  that provide such services on one hand, and the high level of their needs and expectations and desires, and different standards of judgment of the quality of services that  they  consume  the  other  hand.  The  use  of  technology  has  many  positive  and  effective advantages that are reflected on the organization itself such as technological development, competition, the desire to improve work and others, which leaves various outcomes and results on the organization, both at the level of work and the services provided. So the problem of the study is illustrated by the lack of awareness and knowledge  of the impact  of using of management information systems technology and quality on the services provided by the Catering Schools in Port Harcourt. therefore the study will examine the relationship between Management Information System and Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between Management Information System and Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt. The specific objectives are as follows:

1.       To examine the extent to which Decision support systems associate with Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt.

2.       To examine the extent to which Executive information systems associate with Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt.

3.       To examine the extent to which Marketing Information Systems associate with Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt.

4.       To examine the extent to which Enterprise resource planning associate with Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt.

1.4Research Questions

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:

1.       To what extent does Decision support systems associate with Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt?

2.       To what extent does Executive information systems associate with Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt?

3.       To what extent does Marketing Information Systems associate with Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt?

4.       To what extent does Enterprise resource planning associate with Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:

HO: There is no significant relationship between Management Information System and Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt.

HA: There is a significant relationship between Management Information System and Corporate Survival in selected Catering Schools in Port Harcourt.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The importance of this study stems from the interest in users, although attention is often focused on information technology and its material components.  Since this study addresses the use of management information systems technology, it acquires a new dimension in studying ways to develop information systems  in  the  organization. Also, this study is important because it considers the use of management information system technology and its impact on the quality of services provided by the catering schools. Further, this study gains its important from the following factors:

It  addresses  the  organizational  concept  of  using  Management  Information  Systems (MIS)  technology,  which  is  one  of  the  important  topics  in  the  modern  management doctrine,  being  an  important  source  for  the  survival and  durability  of the  organization, especially in organizations that seek to adopt a strategy of modern management that allows the involvement  of workers in making decisions, exploiting opportunities,  and increasing their competitiveness and creativity.

Since this concept (perceived management information systems technology) is relatively new in this environment, subjecting this concept to an applied study gives the study a clear importance within the academic framework for advanced management methods in the acquisition  of  knowledge  and  skills  which  can  be  used  to  improve  performance  and increase productivity.

The importance  of this study also stems  from the importance  of adopting  the use of management information systems technology at the catering schools in Port Harcourt; the use of which helps in the adoption of new operation methods that differ from the typical traditional work, and therefore helps the university to solve its problems and embrace change as a methodology.

Also,  this  study  can  guide  the  attention  of  managers  and  decision-makers  at  the catering schools to the importance of adopting the use of the management information systems technology with a view to being promoted to help improve the quality of services.

This study contributes to enriching the literature with a new topic of interest to researchers and practitioners, and is the starting point for further studies.

1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study is delimited into the followings:

Content Scope: The specific areas of corporate survival the study investigated include; organizational adaptability, service quality and profitability.  Whereas, the areas of management information system include Decision support systems, Executive information systems, Marketing Information Systems, Enterprise resource planning.

Geographical scope: This study covers an examination of strategic contributions of management information system and corporate survival.

Unit of Analysis: This is a macro study because it is interested in ascertaining the survival of an organization in this direction. Hence, it is a micro level study.

The most limiting factor encountered in course of carrying out this research work was lack of fund. Also, the time duration require for the completion was too short, hence not encouraging. Sourcing of materials was a different task due to the factor that some materials were not available at the time of writing. Despite all these constraints, the research will still be reliable for users.

1.8 Definition of Related Terms


Adaptability is the degree  to  which  an  organization  has  the  ability  to  alter  behavior, structures; and systems in order to survive in the wake of the environmental change.


Service quality improvement consists of systematic and continuous actions that lead to measurable improvement in service quality.


DSS are computer program applications used by middle and higher management to compile information from a wide range of sources to support problem solving and decision making. A DSS is used mostly for semi-structured and unstructured decision problems.


Facilitates the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders.


EIS is a reporting tool that provides quick access to summarized reports coming from all company levels and departments such as accounting, human resources and operations.


Management Information Systems designed specifically for managing the marketing aspects of the business


Profitability means ability to make profit from all the business activities of an organization, company, firm, or an enterprise.  It shows how efficiently  the management  can  make  profit  by  using  all  the  resources  available  in  the market. 

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