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The study analyzes job performance and how an organization can achieved, improved productivity. A significant number of organizations fail to improve in productivity inspite of employing more hands. The aim of this study is to analyses job performance and development of the employees can lead to the achievement improved productivity in an organization. In trying to analyses this, a five (5) research question was formulated as a result of research objective to guide the study, while a questionnaire of questions were used. Sample percentage was used to analyses the result while the data gathering techniques is both primary and secondary. The study or finding reveals that effective job performance of employees can lead to the achievement of improved productivity recommendations were also made. 


TITLE PAGE                                                                                                            Error! Bookmark not defined.

CERTIFICATION                                                                                                                                    ii

DEDICATION                                                                                                         iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                                                          iv

ABSTRACT                                                                                                             v

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                           vi

CHAPTER ONE                                                                                                1

INTRODUCTION                                                                                              1

1.1     BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY                                                                 1

1.2     STATEMENTS OF THE PROBLEMS                                                            2

1.3     PURPOSE/ OBJECTIVES OF THIS STUDY                                                                                            3

1.4     RESEARCH QUESTIONS                                                                                                                        4

1.5     SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY                                                                                                             4

1.6     SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY                                                                                         5

1.7     DEFINITION OF TERMS                                                                                                                         6

CHAPTER TWO                                                                                            8

LITERATURE REVIEW                                                                                  8

2.0 INTRODUCTION                                                                                            8

2.1 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK                                                                         8

2.1.1 MOTIVATION                                                                                              8

2.1.2 TYPES OF MOTIVATION                                                                           11

2.1.3 FACTORS AFFECTING MOTIVATION                                                        15

2.1.4 PRODUCTIVITY                                                                                         17 EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITY                                                                   19 EFFECTIVENESS                                                                                   21 EFFICIENCY                                                                                          22


2.2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK                                                                                                   25

2.3 EMPIRICAL FRAMEWORK                                                                                                           26

2.5  SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER                                                                    32

CHAPTER 3                                                                                                                                                        35

3.0     RESEARCH METHOD                                                                                                                          35

3.1     RESEARCH DESIGN                                                                                                                             35

3.2     SAMPLE AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUES                                                                                          35

3.3     INSTRUMENT DESIGN                                                                                                                        36

3.4     TECHNIQUES OF DATA ANALYSIS                                                                                                    36

3.5     PROBLEMS OF DATA COLLECTION                                                                                                  36

CHAPTER 4                                                                                                                                                            38

4.0 DATA PRESENTATION ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION                                                                   38

4.1 DATA PRESENTATION ANALYSIS                                                                                                             38

4.2 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS                                                                                                                       43

CHAPTER 5                                                                                                                                                            46

5.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATIONS                                                      46

5.1 SUMMARY                                                                                                                                                  46

5.2 FINDINGS                                                                                                                                                    47

5.3 CONCLUSION                                                                                                                                             48

5.4 RECOMMENDATIONS                                                                                                                               48

REFERENCE                                                                                                                                                            50

APPENDIX 1                                                                                                                                                           51

APPENDIX II                                                                                                         52




Without doubt, productivity is one of the major concerns of many managers in the 21st century. This is a concern in any organization around the globe (worldwide). Even Japan which is admitted for productivity improvement is now concerned about remaining competitive around the world market.

Productivity implies measurement, which in turn is an essential step in the control process (Weinrich and Koont, 2005). Productivity is a measurement of a managers or an employee’s efficiency in using the organizations scarce resources to produce goods and service. The higher the numerical value of the ratio, the greater the efficiency. It has been established that improved productivity improves an organization financial health (Stoner 2007).

Although there is little consensus about the need for improving productivity, there is also little consensus about the fundamental causes of low productivity, and what to do about them. The blame has been assigned to various factors. Some people place it on the greater proportion of less skilled workers with respect to the total labour force, but other place this on other factors.

Investment in human capital is now increasingly important not only to manufacturing but to the service and knowledge oriented economy. As identified out by stoner (2007), millions of people are displaced by technology, the downsizing of co-operations and competition from around the world, issues of responsibility of companies towards their employees become more vital.

Drucker (1991) notes that raising the productivity of service work is management’s social responsibility. He argues that continuous learning accompanies productivity gains and recognizing that knowledgeable and service workers learn most when they teach.


Most organizations do not have qualified worker with adequate training available at the required time. Performing jobs that are available, this issues make the few experienced and skilled workers to overload with what they can actually cope with. More often than not, some of the employees in these organizations perform below expectations, and the blame has been assigned to various factors, the important amongst them is lack of appropriate and routine manpower training and development.

Most management do not consider training their staff because of the cost involved, it is against the back drop that this study is undertaken to succinctly run an x-ray, if productivity improvement can be achieved in various organizations through effective manpower training and development.


The following are the objective of this study:

To find out how effective job performance and development of employees can lead to the achievement of improved productivity in organizations.

To find out how on the job performance can enhance organizational productivity.

To find out how seminars can encourage organizational productivity.

To find out how job rotation can enhance organizational productivity.


The following research questions are raised to guide this study

To what extent can effective manpower training and development lead to the achievement of improved productivity in organization?

In what ways can on the job training enhance organizational productivity

To what extent can off the job training lead to organization productivity?

In what ways can seminars encourage organizational productivity?

To what extent can job rotation enhance organizational productivity?


This study hopefully will extremely help the management of government organizations, private organizations, and individuals to appreciate the importance of effective job performance and development in achieving an improved productivity. It also help the budget department and other parastatals in ensuring that their employees training and development facilities are actually carried out as at when due to enhance productivity. Besides, other researchers, especially students who are interested in human resource management or related issues on the topic will find this study very useful.


The scope of the study is on achieving organizational productivity through effective manpower development and training using the human resource department as the case study. Limited time for the completion of this work. Coupled with the work load, made in the dept research on the constraints and apathy on the part of respondents to give some of the needed information and so limited the work.   

Figure 1: Conceptual framework on transformation leadership and

employee performance.


Development: The growth or realization of a person’s ability, through conscious or unconscious learning.

Employee: It is the human resources that influence organization positivity to achieve a set goal.

Effectiveness: This is the capability of producing a desired/result when something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome.

Experience: It is direct personal participation or observation in the work place.

Job Rotation: It is the movement of employees through a range of jobs in order to increase interest and motivation.

Jon Training: It is a type of training in which an employee learns from older employees on job which is to be performed.

Man Power: These are those people that work within the organization to achieve the overall goals.

Market Share: This means the percentage of the target market a company is able to capture from competitors.

Organization: It is the system whereby two or more people come together to achieve a set goals.

Output: This is the amount of goods and services produced by employees in an organization.

Off-the Job-Training: This is a training in which employees are taken away from their normal work place for training.

Productivity: This is the output input ration within a time period with due consideration for quality.

Profitability: This means the condition of yielding a financial gain.

Seminar: A meeting in which employees receive information and training in their job.

Training: The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need, knowledge, behaviour through learning experience to achieve effective performance.

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