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The study is determined to examine the relationship between job enrichment and corporate success. In this study, the survey research design was adopted. The study was designed to focus on selected commercial banks in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The population of the study is (120) senior and junior staff of three selected commercial Banks in Port Harcourt which include First Bank, Garison junction, and Polarries Bank Garison junction and FCMB. The Taro Yemen’s formula was used to determine the sample size of 96. Data collection was done using a structured questionnaire. The chi-square statistical test was employed. The hypotheses were tested electronically with SPSS Version 22. Finding revealed that there is a positive relationship between skill variety, task identity and task significance and corporate success. Based on the findings of the study, we recommend that organizations should embark on training and development of its manpower so as to make job enrichment successful. This will enhance competences and confidence in the employees and management should introduce more of job enrichment programmes such as vertical loading and quality management into the task structure of the staff in the banking industry.
Table of Contents
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Abstract vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
1.3 Objectives of the Study 4
1.4 Research Questions 4
1.5 Research Hypotheses 5
1.6 Significance of the Study 5
1.7 Scope/Delimitation of the Study 5
1.8 Definition of Terms 6
2.1 Conceptual Framework 8
2.1.1 Concept of Job Enrichment: 8
2.1.2 Dimensions of Job Enrichment: 13
2.1.3 Concept of Corporate Success: 14
2.1.4 Measures of Corporate Success: 14
2.2 Theoretical Framework 18
2.2.1 Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory (Herzberg, 1959). 18
2.3 Empirical Review 19
3.1 Research Design 21
3.2 Population of the Study 22
3.3 Sample Size Determination 22
3.4 Sampling Techniques 23
3.5 Source and Method of Data Collection 24
3.6 Methods of Data Collection 24
3.7 Questionnaire Design 25
3.6 Data Analytical Techniques 26
3.7 Reliability and Validity 27
4.1 Data Collection and Presentation 28
4.2 Data Analysis 29
4.3 Discussion of Findings 36
Appendix I 46
Appendix II 47
List of Tables
Table 4.2: showing the age of respondents 29
Table 4.3: Showing the Gender/Sex of Respondents 29
Table 4.5: Showing the Marital Status of Respondents 30
Table 4.1: Questionnaire Administration and Retrieval 28
List of Figures
1.1 Background of the Study
Corporate success is measure by how well a company meets the individual objectives of its business plan. It lies in understanding how each element can support or restrain the other, on how to balance the dynamics between the elements to determine the most constructive solutions in any situation.
To be successful, an organization must have a statement, a philosophy, and a series of programs and goals that focuses on the skills and talents of its employees. All of this must be managed with care and guidance so that the organization’s mission is successfully accomplished. One construct that can enhance corporate success is job enrichment.
Job enrichment is an act or process of involving the workers in managerial functions of the higher ranks (Dost and Khan, 2012). Job enrichment encourages workers to learn, develop and do innovative experiments at work, by that it helps to boost up morale and motivation of workers. Job enrichment also increases the selfactualization, self-control and self-esteem of the workers.
According to Herzberg five principles should be followed when implementing job enrichment which are: Increase Job Demands, increase the worker’s accountability, providing work scheduling freedom, providing feedback and providing new learning experiences (Mondy, Noe, & Premeaux, 1999).
An enriched job offers more autonomy and freedom in executing the related responsibility and adds variety and challenge to an employee’s daily routine. And besides the pecuniary remuneration associated to work, an enriched job renders self-fulfillment, actualization and contentment of meaningful job (Govender & Parumasur, 2010; Hackman & Oldham, 1976). Lawler (2003) finds that an enriched job has been attributed with certain critical characteristics. His research identifies three psychological conditions for a job to be considered as enriched – Experience of meaningfulness, the experience of responsibility for outcomes and feedback or knowledge of results. Yasdani, Yaghoubi and Giri (2011) asserted that job enrichment provides employee empowerment, and in turn leads to autonomy, in which such employee will manifest greater responsibility, engagement on work, satisfaction, commitment and performance and gives them a feeling or sense of belongingness (Saleem, Shaheen & Saleem, 2012; Chung & Ross, 2013).
In today’s dynamic world organizations need to grapple with trends such as rapid production and technological changes, global competition, deregulation, demographic changes and a shift to a service economy. This has increased need for firms to be more responsive, flexible, competitive and innovative. So the traditional meanings of a job that is of a well defined set of responsibilities and actions is weakened because employees now cannot just limit themselves to their job descriptions as they need to modify their work according to continuously changing requirements of work. Now the focus is shifting toward “DE jobbing” that is broadening the responsibilities of the company’s jobs and encouraging employees not to limit themselves on what is written on their job descriptions. That can be done by redesigning traditional job designs through the application of modern job designs such as job enrichment. Job enrichment is the redesigning of jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility, autonomy, work itself, achievement, growth, and recognition”. Job enrichment allows the employee to work innovatively and accordingly because of expansion of role and responsibility.
Job enrichment is a job-design strategy for enhancing job content by building into it more motivating potential (Lunenburg 2011). It is an attempt to motivate employees by giving them the opportunity to use their abilities (Razag & Nawaz, 2011). Mohr and Zoghi, (2006) and Cappelli and Rogovsky (1994) asserted that their underlying assumption is that Taylorist jobs cannot meet the employees’ psychological and social needs. That job enrichment meets these needs and increases the motivating potential of work, which simultaneously increases both work satisfaction and effort.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The problems of boredom and job dissatisfaction which consequently result in workers’ low productivity, delay in administrative performance, work stress, psychological breakdown, absenteeism and lateness and eventually withdrawal of services are common decimal in most organizations. One possible reason for this development is that workers in these institutions view their jobs as dead ends and therefore have no pride in their work. To prevent losing such valuable workforce to competitors as a result of boredom and job dissatisfaction, Brown (2004) stated that job enrichment could be an excellent means. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the elements of job enrichment and corporate success.
The problems of boredom and job dissatisfaction which consequently result in workers’ low productivity, delay in administrative performance, work stress, psychological breakdown, absenteeism and lateness and eventually withdrawal of services are common decimal in most public institutions. One possible reason for these developments is that workers in these institutions view their jobs as dead ends and therefore have no pride in their work. To prevent losing such valuable workforce to competitors as a result of boredom and job dissatisfaction, job enrichment could be an excellent means.
The problems of this study are:
Lack of workers’ response to the elements of job enrichment at the work place.
Unconducive employee work environment.
Workers are not motivated in the organization.
Inadequate training as it relates to individual Job.
Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate job enrichment and corporate success in selected commercial Banks in Port Harcourt.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the research project is to investigate the effect of job enrichment on staff efficiency in some selected commercial banks in Port Harcourt. The specific objectives are:
1. To ascertain the extent to which skill variety influences corporate success of commercial banks in Rivers State.
2. To ascertain the extent to which task identity influences corporate success of commercial banks in Rivers State.
3. To ascertain the extent to which task significance influences corporate success of commercial banks in Rivers State.
1.4 Research Questions
1. To what extent does skill variety influences corporate success of commercial banks in Rivers State?
2. To what extent does task identity influences corporate success of commercial banks in Rivers State?
3. To what extent does task significance influences corporate success of commercial banks in Rivers State?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
The following research hypotheses were postulated to guide the study;
HO1: There is no significant relationship between skill variety and corporate success of commercial banks in Rivers State.
HO2: There is no significant relationship between task identity and corporate success of commercial banks in Rivers State.
HO3: There is no significant relationship between task significance and corporate success of commercial banks in Rivers State.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study was conducted to determine how staff efficiency could be improved through job enrichment. It would stimulate the interest and awareness of the employers of labour in the construction companies of the need to apply elements of job enrichment as additional motivational tool to stimulate the efficiency of the workers. The study would provide alternative motivational strategy to employers of labour in both private and public enterprises, leaders of units, head of departments, managers, administrators, job analysts and designers and others who use human resources as an important input in their operational activities and who have hitherto concentrated on the use of rewards and punishments (carrot and stick) as basic motivational tool in restructuring work to best match the employee to the job.
1.7 Scope/Delimitation of the Study
This research project covers the impact of job enrichment on corporate success in some selected commercial banks in Rivers State. The selected commercial banks are Union Bank Bori and First City Monument Bank Plc, Bori.
For any work of this nature to be meaningful as scheduled, one would of course encounter or faced with some constraint, firstly, the time frame provided for this study was short. Secondly, the uncompromising attitude of some of the responding providing useful information was also a factor that constrained the study. Usually, a study of this nature involves some level of expenditure. Therefore, finance was also a limiting factor. Finally, the sourcing of materials was a difficult task due to the fact that some materials were not available at the time of writing.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Autonomy: This is simply the degree to which the job provides substantial freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual in scheduling the work and in determining the procedures to be used in carrying it out
Innovation: this is the process of successful introduction of a better thing or method.
Job enrichment: This is redesigning of jobs in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility, achievement, growth, and recognition.
Market Share: Market share represents the percentage of an industry or market’s total sales that is earned by a particular company over a specified time period.
Profitability: Profitability is the ability of a business to earn a profit.
Task Identity: is the degree to which a job requires completion of a “whole” and identifiable piece of work-that is, doing a job from beginning to end with a visible outcome.
Task Significance: This is the degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives of other people, whether those people are in the immediate organisation or in the external environment.
Value Attainment: Value attainment is the importance an employee attach to the task as it relates to their conception of their identity and ideals or their competence in their work environment.
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