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The study examines the relationship between intrinsic motivation and employee job satisfaction. The survey research design was employed. The population of the study comprises one hundred and twenty (120) senior and junior staff of three selected deposit money banks in Port Harcourt Metropolis. The Taro Yemen’s formula was used to determine the sample size of 96. In this study both the primary and secondary data were used. Data collection was done using a structured questionnaire. A self-design questionnaire on intrinsic motivation and employee job satisfaction was used specifically for data collection. The method used to analyze the data was simple descriptive method stated in tables and expressed in percentage. The chi-square statistical test was employed this test was used due to the nature of the questionnaire designed for the hypothesis testing. The hypotheses will be tested electronically with SPSS Version 22. The study revealed that job security, job responsibility and employee achievement leads to employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State. Based on the findings of the study, we recommended that there should be proper and adequate incentive (reward) for employees in organization. This will enable employees to feel satisfied write their job and will bring about improvement and achievement of organization goals, employer and/or organization should routinely congratulate thanks and praise employee performance. This mean praising an employee put in all her effect to do more and employer should provide up to date technology in the organization to boost employee’s performance for the enhancement of greater productivity and to improve their level of efficiency.

Table of Content

Title Page      i

Cover Page   ii

Declaration  iii

Certification iv

Dedication    v

Acknowledgements           vi

Abstract        vii

List of Tables            x

List of Figures          xi



1.1 Background of the Study      1

1.2 Statement of the Problem    4

1.3 Objectives of the Study         5

1.4 Research Question     6

1.5 Research hypotheses 6

1.6 Significance of the Study      6

1.7 Scope of the Study     7

1.8 Definition of Terms    8

CHAPTER 2   10


2.1 Conceptual Framework        10

2.1.1 Intrinsic Motivation            10

2.1.2 Dimensions of Intrinsic Motivation        13

2.1.3 Employee job satisfaction 17

2.1.4 Measures of Employee Job Satisfaction           21

2.1.5 Intrinsic motivation and Employee Job Satisfaction  23

2.2 Theoretical Framework        25

2.3 Empirical Review         28

CHAPTER 3   31


3.1 Research Design          31

3.2 Population of the Study        32

3.3 Sampling Techniques 32

3.4 Sample Size Determination  33

3.5 Source and Method of Data Collection    34

3.6 Data Collection            35

3.7 Questionnaire Design            36

3.6Data Analytical Techniques   37

3.7 Reliability and Validity           38

CHAPTER 4   39


4.1 Data Collection and Presentation   39

4.2 Data Analysis    40

4.3 Hypotheses Testing    44

4.3 Discussion of Findings           47

CHAPTER 5   50


5.1 Summary          50

5.2 Conclusions      50

5.3 Recommendations     51

References   53

Appendix I    64

Appendix II   65

List of Tables

Table 4.1: Questionnaire Administration and Retrieval      39

Table 4.2: showing the age of respondents    40

Table 4.3: Showing the Gender/Sex of Respondents           40

Table 4.4: Showing the Educational Qualification of the Respondents  41

Table 4.5: Showing the Marital Status of Respondents       41

Table 4.6: Job Security and Employee’s Job Satisfaction.   42

Table 4.7: Job Responsibility and Employee’s Job Satisfaction.    42

Table 4.8: Employee Achievement and employee job satisfaction.         43

List of Figures

Fig. 2.1: A Conceptual Framework Showing the Relationship between Intrinsic Motivation and Employee job satisfaction            10



1.1 Background of the Study

Employee job satisfaction is an emotive reply to ones work as well as the social and physical situation of the job environment. It is expected to be greater for workers who observe incentive involvement equilibrium in their connection with engaging organisation. In sum up employee job satisfaction is the outcomes of several arrogances influenced by a personnel toward his or her work. This employee job satisfaction attitude may be linked to work features such as job security, environment of work, salaries, and quick abstraction of complaints, job surroundings, and chance for advancement, and chances for involvement in decision building and other pleasure of marginal remunerations. Any type of industry or enterprise the employee job satisfaction of whole labour force play a key role and with a collection of pleased employee organization can effectively implement their policy.

Numerous observed investigations have revealed that employee employee job satisfaction has direct effect on the employees job performance at many level in an organization. Employee employee job satisfaction is connected to worker performance and motivation (Kiviniemi et al, 2002). According to Meyer et al. (2002) explained that employee job satisfaction is an approach originated from worker sensitivities of their works or job environment and mentions to the degree to which an individual enjoys his or her work. It is an attitude very delicate to the features of the setting in which its learning. One way an employee can be satisfied is through intrinsic motivation. In the last two decades the organization moved globally to capture the international market and when an organization moved globally than it must focus on its employees that’s why organization used the human resources policies such as development of competencies, ethics, attractive work and mostly employers are focus on create jobs and conditions that satisfy the employees (nielspors 2002). There are many factors which are effect on employee job satisfaction. (Dinham and Scott, 1998) stated three factors that effect on employee job satisfaction intrinsic factors, operating factors and system level factors. Intrinsic motivation is clearly important types of motivation, most of the activities people do are not, strictly speaking, intrinsically motivated. This is especially the case after early childhood, as the freedom to be intrinsically motivated becomes increasingly curtailed by social demands and roles that require individuals to assume responsibility for non essentially interesting tasks. In schools, for example, it appears that intrinsic motivation becomes weaker with each advancing grade(Ryan and Deci 2000). Most consistent finding to emerge from this body of research is that intrinsic motivation is strongly tied to positive performance outcomes(Abuhamdeh, Csikszentmihalyi et al. 2015).

In 1959 the researcher Frederick Herzberg presents a two factor theory. In this theory he argues that there are some factors which lead to satisfaction and other are that inhibit dissatisfaction. He argued that motivational factors (sense of achievement, advancement opportunities, moral values, job security) lead to employee satisfaction (herzberg, 1959).

Intrinsic motivation does not mean, however, that the employee will not get any external reward or outside reward such as money or incentives from working on or completing a task. It just means that the joy they expect from some internal reward will confines to be a motivation even when the job to be done hold little or no interest.

It is believe that when a workers achievement is acknowledge in any form, the employee will tend to do more or repeat what he has been reward for.

Motivation is concept that has been denied a common definition but suffices to say the definition given by Koontz (1970) when say that motivation refers to the inner state that energizes and channel human behavior. Employee motivation is a term used to describe an inciting and or encouraging rewards for service rendered.

The reward which incites onto action is a form of motivation. In other words motivation will be used to describe any special inducement offer by a business establishment or organization to its employees in either, monetary or form to enhance higher production maximum efficiency.

Motivation can be either extrinsic or intrinsic. Intrinsic motivation are those rewards that can be termed psychological motivation and examples are opportunity to use one’s ability, a sense of challenge and achievement, receiving appreciation, positive recognition and being treated in a caring and considerate manner.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This research follows the studies (Hancer and George, 2003; smith et al., 1996; simons and Enz, 1995) that use distinct intrinsic factors categories to explore employee job satisfaction. Employee job satisfaction is a function of the difference between the amount of some outcome provided by a work role and the strength of a related desire or motive on the part of the person”. “Employee job satisfaction is the whole matrix of job factors that make a person like his work situation and be willing to head for it without distaste at the beginning of his work day (Srinivasan and Ambedkar 2015).

In Nigeria employers focus on extrinsic motivation (cash compensation, incentives,) so industrial employees feel much dissatisfaction on their jobs that’s why they make the decision to turnout from the organization. Employers in both private and public organizations are becoming increasingly aware that motivation increases productivity. From the foregoing, and looking at today economic trend, it is evident that the pace of change in our business environment presents fresh challenges daily. Despite these, no effort has geared to investigate the influence of intrinsic motivation on Employee’s job satisfaction in the banking sector. Base on the individuals working in an organization view of intrinsic motivation and employee job satisfaction to increase output level. This research study is attempting to analytically review intrinsic motivation and examine its implication on Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between intrinsic motivation and Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State. The specific objectives are as follows:

1.        To examine the relationship between job security and Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State.

2.        To examine the relationship between job responsibility and Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State.

3.        To examine the relationship between employee achievement and Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State.

1.4 Research Question

1.        To what extent is the relationship between job security and Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State?

2.        To what extent is the relationship between job responsibility and Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State?

3.        To what extent is the  relationship between employee achievement and Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State?

1.5 Research hypotheses

The following research hypotheses were postulated to guide the study.

H0: There is no significant relationship between intrinsic motivation and Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State.

HA: There is a significant relationship between intrinsic motivation and Employee’s job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State.

1.6 Significance of the Study

We are quite aware that intrinsic motivation of employees will certainly lead to an increase in employee employee job satisfaction, increase in sales volume, an increase in profit and off course lead to organizational performance.

At the end of these study organization, managers and supervisors will find it useful and it will guide them is the effectiveness of motivating their employees. Also the employees can use it as a guide to carry out their job effectively and to increase their performance and take correction where necessary.

This study is significant because it has been able to uncover the roles of intrinsic motivation in employee employee job satisfaction.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study is delimited under the following names; content scope, geographical scope and unit of analysis.

Content Scope: The content of this study involves on investigation to ascertain the relationship between intrinsic motivation and employee employee job satisfaction of deposit money banks in Rivers State. The dimensions of intrinsic motivation are job security, job responsibility and employee achievement While the measures of employee employee job satisfaction are Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value Attainment.

Geographical Scope: This study is delimited to Port Harcourt metropolis with reference to some selected deposit money banks in Rivers State which include Union Bank, GTB and First Bank all in Trans-Amadi Port Harcourt.

Unit of Analysis: The unit of analysis involved the staff of the selected deposit money banks in Rivers State at the time of the study. Hence it is a micro level study. In carrying out an investigation of this nature the researcher must of necessity be faced with some constraints.

The time constraints, the time frame provided for this study was short.

Financial constraints. Usually, a study of this nature involved some level of expenditure therefore; finance was also a limiting factor.

Poor response from the respondent and inability to access the entire population of the study. In the next segment significance of the study will be discussed and lastly, poor measurement instrument.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Efficiency: It has to do with accomplishment standard of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed.

Employee job satisfaction: It is the general attitude towards an individual’s job, and the difference between the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive.

Intrinsic Motivation: It is the stimulation that drives an individual to adopt or change behavior for his or her own internal satisfaction or fulfillment.

Job responsibility: It is a written narrative that describe the general task.

Job security:  It is one’s hope about attaining job situation.

Value Attainment: It is the importance an employee attach to the task as it relates to their conception of their identity and ideals or their competence in a their work environment.

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