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The study examined intrinsic motivation and employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. The survey research method was employed. The population of this study is designed to constitute all Senior and staffs of First Bank, Fidelity bank and Stanbic IBTC Bank all in Trans-Amadi, Port Harcourt. The Taro Yemens formula was determine the sample of 104. Both the primary and secondary data were used. A well designed questionnaire on intrinsic motivation and employee job performance was used specifically for data collection. The method used to analyze the data was simple descriptive method stated in tables and expressed in percentage. The chi-square statistical test was used to test the hypotheses. The hypotheses were tested electronically with SPSS Version 22. The study revealed that emotional satisfaction, job enrichment and task significance leads to employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. Based on the finding of the study, we recommend that there should be proper and adequate incentive (reward) for employees in organization. This will enable employees to feel satisfied write their job and will bring about improvement and achievement of organization goals and employer and/or organization should routinely congratulate thanks and praise employee performance. This mean praising an employee put in all her effect to do more.
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1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the Study 4
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.5 Research of Hypotheses 5
1.6 Significance of the Study 5
1.7 Scope of the Study 6
1.8 Definition of Terms 7
2.1 Conceptual Framework 8
2.1.1 Concept of Intrinsic Motivation 8
2.1.2 Dimensions of Intrinsic Motivation 10
2.2.3 Concept of Employee job performance 13
2.2.4 The Relationship between intrinsic Motivation and Employee job performance 15
2.2 Theoretical Framework 15
2.2.1 Self-determination Theory 15
2.2.2 Organismic integration theory. 17
2.3 Empirical Review 18
3.1 Research Design 20
3.2 Population of the Study 21
3.3 Sample Size Determination 21
3.4 Sampling Techniques 22
3.5 Source and Method of Data Collection 23
3.6 Methods of Data Collection 24
3.7 Questionnaire Design 25
3.6 Data Analytical Techniques 25
3.7 Reliability and Validity 26
4.1 Data Collection and Presentation 27
4.2 Data Analysis 28
4.3 Hypotheses Testing 31
4.3 Discussion of Findings 35
5.1 Summary 37
5.2 Conclusions 37
5.3 Recommendations 38
1.1 Background of the Study
Employee job performance is derived from the word job performance that means real work produced by employee within a specific time period. Performance is a comparison between the workers real output compared to the standard set by the company. Performance is the quantity and quality of produced or services rendered by a person who is doing the job. Performance is the work of behavior. Performance is the relationship between work and behavior. Organizational structure is one construct that can trigger employee performance in an organization today.
Organization has employees who work for that organization, when employees are motivated they are enjoyable and they more interested in their job. There is a large amount of aspect that contributes to the success of an organization. For an organization, it is important that people are motivated. If the employees of an organization are motivated their interest, attitude and performance will improve during work hours (Lockee2004).
The performance is also an aspect that contributes to the success of an organization. The main objectives of an organization are to make profit amongst others. An organization can only make profit if the employees of that specific organization can achieve their objective (Beal 2005).
Good rewarding has been found over the years to be one of the policies the organization can adopt to increase their workers performance and thereby increase the organization productivity. Also, with the present global economic trend, most employers of labour have realize the fact that for their organizations to compete favourable, the employees job performance goes a long way in determining the success of the organization. Performance of employees in any organization is vital, not only for the growth of the organization but also for the individual employees (Meyer and Peng 2006).
According to Akintayo (2010) employee job performance can be defined as the degree to which the employee feels devoted to their organization. Ongori (2007) described employee job performance as an effective response to the whole organization and the degree of attachment or loyalty employees feel towards the organization. Zheng, (2010) describes employee job performance as simply employees’ attitude to organization. This definition of employee job performance is broad in the sense that employees’ attitude encompasses various components.
Intrinsic Motivation “refers to a desire to work primarily because the work itself is interesting, challenging and satisfying to the person” (Cantania and Randall, 2013). (Mowday, Steers and Porter, 1979) in his research says that Motivation acts as an important predictor of commitment. He says it motivates employees to spend time and energy in the organization Because of this, there is a growing interest in understanding this relationship between motivation and commitment. Burton and Thakur (1995) in their research have highlighted the role of managers in motivating the employees. He has suggested that a manager’s primary task is to motivate his subordinates to perform the task of the organization at high levels. He must devise a strategy to get his subordinates to come to work regularly and sincerely, to work hard, and to make positive impact towards the effective and efficient achievement of organizational objectives.
Intrinsic motivation is defined as positively valued experiences that an individual employee gets directly from their work tasks (Thomas and Velthouse, 1990). Ryan and Deci (2000) have argued the intrinsic motivation is a crucial for open-ended cognitive development. Hence, Ryan and Deci (2000) defined intrinsic motivation as “the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfaction rather than for some separable consequence”. Once the employee finds it enjoyable and interesting, he or she will have desire to exert a considerable effort to perform their task within the organization. However, Grabner and Speckbacher (2009) indicated that intrinsic motivation not only wills increases effort, but it will also have great influence on other aspects of employee behaviour.
Motivation, as a process, started with a need in human being which creates a vacuum in a person. In an attempt to fill the vacuum an internal driving force is generated which starts and sustains a chain of action and reaction Kayode (2003). It is at that point that the vacuum is also filled. With this background information (Nnabuife2009), define motivation as the internal or external driving force that produces the willingness to perform an act to a conclusive end. This first aspect of motivation we choose to describe as internal motivation because the driving force comes from within an individual. The second aspect is external motivation, is applied by the organization. This is because employees are motivated to identify with organization in order to satisfy their varied and variegates needs and desires (Oloko2003). Until they have been identified and properly satisfied, they will never cease to impede smooth running of the organizations (Nishikawa, 2006).
1.2 Statement of Problem
This research follows the studies (Hancer and George, 2003; smith et al., 1996; simons and Enz, (1995) that use distinct intrinsic factors categories to explore employee job performance. Employee job performance is a function of the difference between the amount of some outcome provided by a work role and the strength of a related desire or motive on the part of the person”. “Employee job performance is the whole matrix of job factors that make a person like his work situation and be willing to head for it without distaste at the beginning of his work day (Srinivasan and Ambedkar 2015).
In Nigeria employers focus on extrinsic motivation (cash compensation, incentives,) so industrial employees feel much dissatisfaction on their jobs that’s why they make the decision to turnout from the organization. Employers in both private and public organizations are becoming increasingly aware that motivation increases productivity. From the foregoing, and looking at today economic trend, it is evident that the pace of change in our business environment presents fresh challenges daily. Despite these, no effort has geared to investigate the influence of intrinsic motivation on employee job performance. Base on the individuals working in an organization view of intrinsic motivation and employee job performance to increase output level. This research study is attempting to analytically review intrinsic motivation and examine its implication on employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between intrinsic motivation and employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. The specific objectives are as follows;
i. To examine the relationship between emotional satisfaction and employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt.
ii. To examine the relationship between job enrichment and employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt.
iii. To examine the relationship between empowerment and employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt.
1.4 Research Questions
i. To what extent does emotional satisfaction influence employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt?
ii. To what extent does job enrichment promote employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt?
iii. To what extent does empowerment enhance employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt?
1.5 Research of Hypotheses
H0: There is no significant relationship between intrinsic motivation and employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt.
HA: There is a significant relationship between intrinsic motivation and employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt.
1.6 Significance of the Study
We are quite aware that intrinsic motivation of employees will certainly lead to an increase in employee job performance, increase in sales volume, an increase in profit and off course lead to organizational performance.
At the end of these study organization, managers and supervisors will find it useful and it will guide them is the effectiveness of motivating their employees. Also the employees can use it as a guide to carry out their job effectively and to increase their performance and take correction where necessary.
Eventually, this will lead to enhancement of academicians’ commitment. Besides, successfully shaping the attitudes of the academic staff will eventually lead to enhancement of productivity, creativity, innovation and overall organizational performance. Moreover, it may produce higher quality and competitive graduates to ensure there is enough talented workforces that will fulfill the labor demand and attract more foreign students enroll their study in the learning environment.
This study is significant because it has been able to uncover the roles of intrinsic motivation on employee job performance.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The study is delimited under the following headings; content scope, geographical scope and unit of analysis.
Content Scope: The content of this study involves on investigation to ascertain the relationship between intrinsic motivation and employee job performance of deposit money banks in Port Harcourt. The dimensions of intrinsic motivation are emotional satisfaction, job enrichment and empowerment while the measures of employee job performance are effectiveness, efficiency and productivity.
Geographical Scope: This study is delimited to Port Harcourt metropolis with reference to selected deposit money banks in Port Harcourt which include First Bank, Fidelity bank and Stanbic IBTC Bank all in Trans-Amadi, Port Harcourt.
Unit of Analysis: The unit of analysis involved the staff of the selected deposit money banks in Rivers State at the time of the study. Hence it is a micro level study. In carrying out an investigation of this nature the researcher must of necessity be faced with some constraints.
The time constraints, the time frame provided for this study was short.
Financial constraints. Usually, a study of this nature involved some level of expenditure therefore; finance was also a limiting factor.
Poor response from the respondent and inability to access the entire population of the study.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Affective Commitment: It is the employee’s emotional attachment to the organization
Continuance Commitment: Continuance commitment develops out of the perceived cost (benefit against loss), and requires that the employee should be aware of these benefits and loses.
Continuance Commitment: It is a readiness of a worker to be a part of an organization.
Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivators are rewards that are not pegged to performance and they do not necessary need money to sustain them. They are likely to have deeper and long term effect because they are inherent in individuals.
Job responsibility: It is a written narrative that describes the general task.
Job security: It is one’s hope about attaining job situation.
Value Attainment: It is the importance an employee attach to the task as it relates to their conception of their identity and ideals or their competence in a their work environment.