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In this study, human capital planning and organizational performance was investigated. The field work was carried out. The entrustment used for data collection was the used of questionnaire, followed by personal observations and interviews the analysis of data collected indicated that effective and efficient applications of human capital will enhance organizational performance therefore, this study is carryout to ascertain the relationship between human capital planning and organizational planning. Further student should be carryout to ascertaining the negative impact of Human capital planning and organization performance, further studies should also be conduced to empirical ascertaining the relationship between Human capital planning and organizational performance, planners managers if human capital in both public and private sector in Nigeria should be educated and trained in scientific human capital planning with the aim of replacing the gues work and in tuction Currently in use. Managers and planners of human capital should make deliberate efforts to study the opportunities and threats unbedded incorporating such finding in their human capital plans.





Organizational performance as a construct suffer from, problems of conceptual clarity in a number of areas. The first area is the definition of the construct. The term performance is often used indiscriminately to descried everything from effectively and effectiveness to improvement. An adequate definition or in this case, many similar yet different definitions practitioners use the term to describe a range of measurement including impute efficiency, output efficiency and earn transactional deficiency (Stanncck, 1996).

Performance has to do with accomplishment standard of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed. Performance is seemed to be the fulfillment of an obligation in a manner that release the performer from all liabilities under the contract. Organizational performance therefore is a measure of how well of achieve appropriate objectives. This means that organization must be properly, evaluated in term of their productivity, skills taken decision and total commitment to their job so as to enable the organization to achieved expected goal (s).

Organizational performance has do with the effectiveness of the organization in fulfilling it purpose. The measurement of performance is very importance aspect to be considered. In any business entity that is gearing towards success. The survival of any organization depends solely on its performance which is strategic in Nature. Performance measurement to evaluate the entire health of the organization. Most executive are painfully aware of the fact that there is no one magic formular for measuring business performance. A review of literature on the subject shows a market trend from financial ratio and tangible to non-financial aspects an intangible as the most importance business measure.

Other have argued that financial analysis measure are inadequate due to performance and can not capture the true picture of the performance of the organization in the context of the modem business environment (Kaplan and Norton, 1996). What appear clear is that there are five main areas to considered when evaluating business performance market share, innovation head time and portion of revenue spent on research and development activities productivity of all input liquidity.

Organizations are becoming increasing conversant with the reality that the substance of a good culture heads to value addition and maximization of profit. Human capital planning is one of the most critical of all resources at the disposal of any organization, whether, public or private. The right quality and quantity of human capital (employed) is a measure of an organization’s strength health success and security. The main thrust of this research is to critically assess the prospect of human capital planning in the achievement of organizational performance.

The workforce service in the Nigerian public service at all tiers of government is mostly bloated unwieldy and ineffective. The services, which used to be the engine room of progressive policy formulation and implementation and the sole provision of basic social amenities that sustained live hood and propelled economic development of the counting has since degenerated into a creaky apparatus of political patronage that ignores merit and puts round pegs in square hold (Abdullahi, et al 2007:72). Problems of productivity and redundancy, inefficiency in the use of resources, faulty recruitment of employees, inadequate training, lack of clear objective and absence of replacement chart/succession plans. The present situation in Nigeria public sector amenities erratic seems to imply the absence of proper human capital, capital planning process. It with therefore, be pertinent to examine human capital planning in the Nigerian public sector the paper seeks to assess the relationship between human capital has a good competitive advantage that will enhance higher performance. Human capital manning becomes a part of an overall efforts to achieve cost effective and firm performance.

Finally, human capital planning is getting wider attention of the job market due to the downturn in the various economies of the world. Therefore we inclined to say that there as a relationship between human capital planning and organizational performance. In the next segment statement of the problem will be discussed.


Despite various government interventions through reform has remained poor performance and inefficiency. The accumulate effect on the sector is the closure or privatization and commercialization of several commercial Banks in Port Harcourt.

Also, organizations, they still operate below expectation with low productivity, high rate of employee turnover and absenteeism. Where the human capital is not planned, organizations will be confronted with the problem of over or under staffing, inability to attract and retain presumed. Other problems will include the inability to provide realistic staffing projections, escalating personnel and other relates lost and the inability to utilize resources effectively and efficiently the present situation in commercial banks in Port Harcourt where inefficiency and ineffectiveness abound and the supply of basic social amenities erratic seem to imply the absence of proper human capital planning process it will therefore be pertinent to examine human capital planning process in commercial Banks in Port Harcourt with a view to highlighting pros peals. The general thrust of this work there, is to critically evaluate human capital planning in commercial Banks in Port Harcourt therefore this work seek to assess the prospect of human capital planning in the achievement of organizational performance. In the next segment purpose and objective of the study will be discussed.


The purpose of this study is the main ascertain the relationship human capital planning and organizational performance. The following objectives are to be achieved according.

(a) To      examine the relationship between human capital planning and organizational performance.

(b) To examine the relationship between scenario planning  and organizational performance.

(c) To ascertain the relationship between demand forecasting and organizational performance.

(d) To      examine the relationship between supply forecast and organizational performance.

(e) To      ascertain the relationship between training and development and organizational performance. In the next segment research question will be question will be discussed.


(1) To      what extent does human capital planning associated with organization?

(2) To      what extent does scenario planning associated      with organizational performance?

(3) To      what extent does Demand forecasting associated  with organizational performance?

(4) what extent does supply forecast associated with organizational performance?

(5) To      what extent does training and development associated with organizational performance?

In the next segment scope and limitation of the study will be discussed.


The study is delimited under the following heading: content scope, geographical scope and unit of analysis.

  1. Content Scope: The content scope of this study involves on investigation to ascertain the relationship between human capital planning and organizational performance. The dependent variable is organizational performance, measures by productivity market share effectiveness an organizing. While independent variable is Human capital planning measure by scenario planning, demand forcast, supply forcast and Traning.
  2. Geographical Scope: This study is delimited in
  3. Unit of Analysis: The unit of analysis in this research is involves the individuals at the time of carrying out the study. The scope of this study is to ascertain the relationship between human capital planning and organizational performance. In the next segment Limitation of the study will discussed.


In carrying out an investigation of this native the researcher must of necessity be faced the following constraint.

Firstly, the time constraint’s the time frame provision for this study was short.

Secondly, financial constraints. Usually, a study of this nature involved some level of expenditure therefore, finance was also a limiting factor.

Thirdly, poor response from the respondent and inability to access the entire population of the study. In the next segment significance of the study will be discussed. Lastly, poor measurement instrument.


Arguably, it is used to acknowledge that a study of this nature is not basically carries out for it purpose but as a result of some associated benefits it can help to offer generally, it will help employers to ascertain the need for carrying out effective human capital planning in the respective organization.

The onions of this study will also open up future vents for young practicing managers to enhance human capital planning as a strategic and administrative tool for organizational effectiveness and continue process for business survival most importantly, this study will also provide useful informant to other scholars in the academic field in topical area under investigation and finally, this study will also proved useful guide and information to other students that will carry out their studies in the future. In the next segment definition of terms will be discussed.


DEMAND:      This is the willingness of an organization to employ competent persons in the labour market.

EFFECTIVENESS: Doing the right tiling.

FORECASTING: Is the process of using past and current information about phenomenon to predict future condition.

MANAGER: This person who plan organize, direct and control the rare resources of (Men, Money, Materials and Machines) in pursuit of the organizational goals.

MANPOWER: This is the number of workers available for industrial needs.

PLANNING: The process of setting goals and objectives and determining the process and strategies in achieving these goals.

SUPPLY: it is the availability of competent person in the labour market.

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: A process of acquiring knowledge for improvement.

EFFECTIVENESS: Doing the right thing.

PRODUCTIVITY: I the range at which a given company is able to cover with his product.


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