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The study examines the relationship between human resource management and business growthof selected firms in Port Harcourt. The survey research design was adopted. The total population is made up of 80 eighty staff. 31 staff of MTN, 23 staff of Globacom and 26 staff of 9Mobile. The taro Yemen’s formula was used to determine the sample size of 66. In this study, the structured questionnaire is adopted. Self-designed questionnaires on human resources management and business growth was used and administered for the collection of data from the respondents in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. The questionnaire responses of the sample respondents were presented using tables and analyzed by simple percentages. The study revealed a positive significant between human resourcesmanagement and business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. Based on the findng of the study, we recommend that the management of telecommunication firms should continue to ensure that the Human Resource policy, which is a result of the organization strategy to use human resource, among others, to achieve outstanding performance very year, is upheld and besides a thorough knowledge of the position the organization is trying to fill, recruiters must be able to pinpoint sources of human resources. Since the supply of individuals from which to recruit is continually changing, there will be time when finding appropriate human resources will be much harder than at other times.
Table of Contents
Title Page i
Cover Page ii
Declaration iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgements vi
Abstract vii
Table of Contents viii
List of Figures xi
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problems 4
1.3 Objectives of the Study 5
1.4 Research Questions 5
1.6 Significance of the Study 6
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study 6
1.8 Definition of Terms 7
2.1 Conceptual Framework 9
2.1.1 Concept of Human Resources Management 9
2.1.3 Concept of Business growth 17
2.1.4 Measures of Business growth 17
2.1.5 The Relationship between human resources planning and business growth 20
2.2 Theoretical Framework 22
2.2.1 Universalistic Theory 22
2.2.2 Contingency Theory 23
2.2.3 Configurational Theory 24
2.3 Empirical Framework 25
3.1 Research Design 28
3.2 Population of the Study 29
3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques 30
3.4 Source and Method of Data Collection 31
3.5 Instrument design 32
3.6 Data Analytical Method 32
4.1 Data Collection and Presentation 33
4.2 Data Analysis 34
4.3 Discussion of Findings 39
5.1 Summary 42
5.2 Conclusion 42
5.3 Recommendations 43
References 44
List of Tables
Table 4.1: Questionnaire Administration and Retrieval 33
4.2 Data Analysis 34
Table 4.2: show age bracket of respondents 34
Table 4.3: show sex of respondents 34
Table 4.4: Academic qualification 35
Table 4.5: Marital status 35
Table 4.6: Employee recruitment associated with business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 36
Table 4.7: Performance appraisal associated with business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt 37
Table 4.8: Employee compensation associated with business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. 38
Table 4.9: 39
List of Figures
Fig. 1: A Conceptual Framework on Relationship between Human Resources Management and Business growth 9
1.1 Background of the Study
In order to survive, a small business must first make profit. Beyond this point of survival, “success in small business” may be defined from two perspectives. One perspective suggests growth as a measure for success (Smallbone&Wyer, 2000; and Dobbs & Hamilton, 2007). Success is measured by growth in revenues and number of employees; and consequently an increase in asset base. The second perspective proposes that over time the growth path of a small business may not continue upward (Tan et al, 2009). Indeed, entrepreneurs may become less growth oriented as their personal motivations change (Westhead& Wright, 1999). They become satisfied with a certain level of performance and income. Their desire to maintain control leads to a decision to not grow further. Support for this perspective was found in the further analysis of research to be reported here (Hunter &Kazakoff, 2008; and Hunter &Kazakoff, 2012). Representatives of 11 small businesses were interviewed to document management issues. Some of the research participants were content with the volume of their operations. Others realized that a small increase in the volume of output (house building) would lead to a significant increase in expenses (more sub-trades), which in turn could financially ruin the small business.
In general, few small businesses survive for very long. Zontanos& Anderson (2004) report that over two thirds of small businesses close within the decade they open. More specifically, Industry Canada (2010) reported that 30% of small businesses fail within one year and up to 75% after 9 years. In the United States (Small Business Administration, 2010) 33% of start-ups have failed by the end of the second year and 50% have failed after 4 years. Further, very few small businesses exist for a long time. The attrition rate is quite high. According to Cater et al (2006) only 30% of small businesses are passed to the second generation with only 12% being passed to the third. Further, only 4% make it to the fourth generation.
If a small business is going to exist for a long time there needs to be a focus on empowering employees and facilitating the development of a culture that promotes a learning environment (De Geus, 2002). Given this focus, the small business will retain employees who will adopt an attitude of continuing to search for improvement. Burlingham (2006) identified entrepreneurs who rejected the opportunity for growth. These individuals did not necessarily want to do more. They were content with simply doing better. Note that this attitude does not discount taking an innovative approach to conducting business.Company current and potential human resources are essential considerations in the development and for the execution of its strategic business plan (Huselid, 1995). Human resources include individuals, staff or workforce within or even outside the boundary of an organization who are responsible for performing the tasks assigned to them. The main aim of an organization’s human resource team is to help the organization in achieving its objectives. Human resource helps the organization in making sustainable competitive advantage (Huselid, 1995).
According to Armstrong (2009), HRM practices and policies are designed to maximize commitment of employee, organizational integration, flexibility and quality of work. Effective human resource practices relate to company performance by contributing to employee and customer satisfaction, productivity, innovation and development of a favourable reputation of the firm in the industry (Fadiora, 2012).
Human resources management include activities ranges from strategic HRM, human capital management, human resource planning ,corporate social responsibility, recruitment, selection, staff training and development, remuneration management, performance management, employee relations, health safety to employee well-being as well as provision of employee services.
Performance has to do with accomplishment standard of accuracy, completeness, cost and speed. Performance is seemed to be the fulfillment of an obligation in a manner that release the performer from all liabilities under the contract. Business growth therefore is a measure of how well achieve appropriate objectives. This means that organization must be properly, evaluated in term of their productivity, skills taken decision and total commitment to their job so as to enable the organization to achieve expected goals.
Business growth has do with the effectiveness of the organization in fulfilling it purpose. The measurement of performance is very important aspect to be considered. In any business entity that is gearing towards success. The survival of any organization depends solely on its performance which is strategic in Nature. Performance measurement to evaluate the entire health of the organization. Most executive are painfully aware of the fact that there is no one magic formular for measuring business performance. A review of literature on the subject shows a market trend from financial ratio and tangible to non-financial aspects an intangible as the most importance business measure.
It is very vital for managers to know which factors influence an organization’s performance in order for them to take appropriate steps to initiate them. Business growth guarantees the continuity of the organization to be competitive in a global market place. Business growth can be seen as a multi-dimensional construct consisting of more than simply financial performance (Baker &Sinkula, 2005). It describes the extent to which the organization is able to meet the needs of its stakeholders and its own needs for survival (Griffin, 2003). In this sense, business growth depicts that an organization is achieving its mission and goals. Kaplan and Norton (1992) defined business growth as a set of financial and nonfinancial indicators capable of assessing the degree to which organizational goals and objectives have been accomplished. The challenge for any business growth is generally indicated by the effectiveness of an organization to achieve its objectives and efficiency to use the resources properly, satisfaction of employees and customer innovation, quality products and services and thereby ability to maintain unique human resource pool (Katou&Budwar, 2007).
1.2 Statement of Problems
Both public and private organizations in Nigeria contribute to the wrong utilization of available human resource. This is because graduates are employed in areas where they lack expertise. The management of some organization does not seem to know the importance of training and development on organizational resilience, Ubeku, (1995). Some management believes that if workers have acquired education, there is no need for training. Provisions of welfare facilities are not given adequate attention in some organization despite many policies being put in place to ensure workers productivity and efficiency and to possibly stamp out unethical practices in the public sector especially.
Evidently, a gap exists in the literature regarding human resource development and business growth in the Nigerian telecommunication sector. The problems associated to the study are as follows; lateness to work, fatigue, and absenteeism in order to ensure performance in the telecommunication industry.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between human resource management and business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1. To examine the relationship between employee recruitment and business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
2. To examine the relationship between performance appraisal and business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
3. To examine the relationship between employee compensation and business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
4. To examine the relationship between employee recruitment and productivity in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
1.4 Research Questions
The following research questions were proposed to guide the study.
1. To what extent does employee recruitment associated with business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
2. To what extent does performance appraisal associated with business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
3. To what extent does employee compensation associated with business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
4. To what extent does employee recruitment associated with productivity in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt?
1.6 Significance of the Study
The study will be beneficial to all service organizations especially the telecommunication sector as it emphasized the need and encourage the establishment of policy guidelines on the efficient and effective human resources management.
The study shall have a great impact on individuals, organization and the society at large. Subsequently, it will enhance good suggestions for achieving better performance through an effective training/development programmes. Moreover, the study shall provide literature which will assist business organization and the society as a whole on how to evolve an enduring training programmes capable of achieving the desired result for an organization.
It will help managers of various organizations to generate ideas and solution to problems based on the best way to run training in their organization in order to achieve desired goals and objectives. It will equally be useful to small scale business, large corporations, management and consultants, practitioners, and universities, college of education and to the government.
It will also help researchers to know more about the relevance of human resources management as it enhance organizational resilience.
Finally, it will be of great value to management, researchers, investors, government and students as a point of reference and will equally form the basis for further research study.
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study
The study examines the relationship between human resource management and business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt.
The study is delimited under the following headings; content scope, geographical scope and unit of analysis.
Content Scope: The content of this study involves an investigation to ascertain the relationship between human resource management and business growth in selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt. The independent variable human resources management practices having a dimension of employee recruitment, performance appraisal and employee compensation while the dependent variable is business growth measure by productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.
Geographical Scope: This study is delimited to selected Telecommunication firms in Port Harcourt which include MTN located at 5, Azikiwe Road Port Harcourt, Globacom located at 57 Aba Road Port Harcourt and 9Mobile located at 315, Aba Road, opposite oil mill market Port Harcourt.
Unit of Analysis: The unit of analysis involved selected senior and junior staff at the time the study was carried out.
Firstly, the time constraint’s the time frame provision for this study was short.
Secondly, financial constraints. Usually, a study of this nature involved some level of expenditure therefore, finance was also a limiting factor.
Thirdly, poor response from the respondent and inability to access the entire population of the study.
1.8 Definition of Terms
The following terms were operational defined as follows
Employee compensation: Compensation (Reward and benefits) management is concerned with the formulation and implementation of strategies and policies, the purposes of which are to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization and thus help the organization to achieve its strategic goals.
Employee recruitment: Recruitment and selection in any organization is a serious business of the Human resources Managers. This is because the success of any organization or efficiency in service delivery depends on the quality of its workforce who was recruited into the organization through recruitment and selection exercises.
Human Resources Management: Human Resource Management (HRM) is a very critical and imperative function that operates within an organization.
Performance appraisal: The process of performance management, it involves a continuous judgment on the behaviour and performance of staff.