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The study examined the relationship between human capital planning and organizational resilience of selected commercial banks in Port Harcourt. The survey research design adopted. The population of the study is 120. The Yaro Yemens formula was used to determine the sample size of 96. The main data collection method typically involves the one of questionnaire and further leveraged by the observation and interview methods. The method used to analyze the data was simple descriptive method stated in tables and expressed in percentage. The chi-square statistical test was employed. The hypotheses will be tested electronically with SPSS Version 22. The findings revealed that scenario planning, demand forecasting and supply forecast is associated with Organizational Resilience of selected commercial banks in Rivers State. Based on the finding of the study, we recommend that planners and managers of human capital in both public and private sector in Nigeria should be educated and trained in scientific human capital planning with the aim of replacing the guest work and in function currently in use, managers and planners of human capital should make deliberate efforts to study the opportunities and threats imbedded incorporating such finding in their human capital plans and managers and planners should put effort on human capital planning for organizational purpose achievement.

Table of Content

Title Page        i

Cover Page      ii

Declaration      iii

Certification    iv

Dedication      v

Acknowledgements    vi

Abstract          vii

Table of Content         viii

List of Tables  x

List of Figures xi

CHAPTER 1   12


1.1 Background of the Study 12

1.2 Statement of the Problem 14

1.3 Objectives of the Study    15

1.4 Research Question            16

1.5 Research Hypotheses        16

1.6 Significance of the Study 16

1.7 Scope of the Study           17

1.8 Definition of Terms          19

CHAPTER 2   20


2.1 Conceptual Framework     20

2.1.1 Concept of Human Capital Planning     20

2.1.2 Dimensions of Human Capital Planning            22

2.1.3 Concept of Organizational Resilience   24

2.1.4 Measures of Organizational Resilience  27

2.1.5 The Relationship between Human Capital Planning and Organizational Resilience     29

2.2 Theoretical Framework     29

2.2.1 Human Capital Theory   29

2.3 Empirical Framework        30

CHAPTER 3   34


3.1 Research Design   34

3.2 Population of the Study    35

3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques            35

3.4 Method of Data Collection           36

3.5 Data Analytical Method   37

3.7 Reliability and Validity    39

CHAPTER 4   40


4.1 Data Collection and Presentation 40

4.2 Data Analysis        41

4.3 Hypotheses Testing           45

CHAPTER 5   51


5.1 Summary   51

5.2 Conclusion            51

From our findings, we concluded as follows;            51

5.3 Recommendation  52

References      53

Appendix I      55

APPENDIX II            56

List of Tables

Table 4.1: Questionnaire Administration and Retrieval         40

Table 4.2: showing the age of respondents     41

Table 4.3: Showing the Gender/Sex of Respondents 42

Table 4.4: Showing the Educational Qualification of the Respondents         42

Table 4.5: Showing the Marital Status of Respondents         43

Table 4.6: Scenario planning and Organizational Resilience of selected commercial banks in Rivers State  43

Table 4.7: Demand forecasting and Organizational Resilience of selected commercial banks in Rivers State?        44

Table 4.8: Supply forecast and Organizational Resilience.     45

List of Figures

Fig. 2.1: A Conceptual Framework on Human Capital Planning and Organizational Resilience      20



1.1 Background of the Study

The workforce serving in the Nigerian banking sector is mostly bloated, unwieldy and ineffective. The service, which used to be the engine room of progressive policy formulation and implementation and the sole provider of basic social amenities that sustained livelihood  and propelled economic development of the country has since degenerated into a creaky apparatus of political patronage that ignores merit and puts round pegs in square holds (Abdullahi and Ajoku,  2001).

Organizational resiliency refers to an organization’s ability to create an environment that enhances career resiliency of their employees (Brock & Grady, 2002; Nishikawa, 2006). An organization committed to building resilient employees will foster openness in communication, encouragement of individual contributions for personal growth, risk-taking all with the promise of employee recognition and rewards. Resilient organizations structure and restructure themselves to attain a mission, support the optimal development of shared decision making. They provide feedback, set goals, and have intelligence-gathering mechanisms (Nishikawa, 2006). They employ people who react quickly and efficiently to change and perceive experiences constructively, ensuring adequate external resources, expand decision-making boundaries, develop the ability to create solutions on the spot, and develop tolerance for uncertainty (Greene, 2002). One way an organization can be resilience is through human capital planning.

Human capital planning has to do with forecasting demand for manpower based on its business needs and employing strategies required to meet these needs. The dimensions for the study include forecasting manpower demand and strategic action. Forecasting manpower demand involves the estimation of the number and type of human resource required at different levels in different departments in an organization (Pradeesh, 2011).

Schmidt, (2004) defines human capital as a form of intangible assets that creates future economic value, which include the competencies of front-line employees and the organizational capabilities.

Human capital concept believes that all personnel inputs and activities are not equal and that quality of employee can be improved by investing in them.  Harbison (1962) also defines human capital development as the process of acquiring and increasing the number of persons who have the skills, education and experience which are critical for the economic growth of the country.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Human capital planning encompasses the process that identifies the number of employees a company requires in terms of high quality and quantity; hence it seen as an ongoing process of regular and structured planning. This planning process confirms that employees are in the right number as required i.e. there is neither a surplus of manpower nor a shortage. Parker and Caine (2006) states that it is important for organizations to have the right number of manpower in order to avoid unwanted situation i.e. issue of shortage and excess of manpower. Hassan (2003) states that failure to properly articulate and implement the three fundamental functions of human capital planning which include labor forecast, managing demand for employees and available supply in market and keep a balance between labor supply and demand predictions will pose a great problem to oil firms in terms of cost and expertise (skilled personnel) thereby reducing their competitiveness.

Where the human capital is not planned, organizations will be confronted with the problem of over or under staffing, inability to attract and retain the people required and difficulty in the development and training of highly talented personnel. Other problems will include the inability to provide realistic staffing projections, escalating personnel and other related costs, and the inability to utilize resources effectively and efficiently. The present situation in the Nigerian banks where inefficiency and ineffectiveness abound and the supply of basic social amenities erratic seems to imply the absence of proper human capital planning processes. It will therefore be pertinent to examine human capital planning processes in the Nigeria banking sector organizations with a view to highlighting prospects. The general thrust of this study therefore, is to critically evaluate human capital planning and Organizational Resilience of commercial banks in Rivers State. Specifically, the study seeks to assess the prospects of human capital planning in the achievement of Organizational Resilience.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is the main ascertain the relationship human capital planning and Organizational Resilience of selected commercial banks in Rivers State. The following objectives are to be achieved according.

1.         To examine the relationship between scenario planning and Organizational Resilience of commercial banks in Rivers State.

2.         To ascertain the relationship between demands forecasting   and Organizational Resilience of commercial banks in Rivers State.

3.         To examine the relationship between supply forecast and Organizational Resilience of commercial banks in Rivers State.

1.4 Research Question

            The following research questions are postulated to guide the study:

1.         To what extent does scenario planning associated with Organizational Resilience of commercial banks in Rivers State?

2.         To what extent does Demand forecasting associated with Organizational Resilience of commercial banks in Rivers State?

3.         What extent does supply forecast associated with Organizational Resilience of commercial banks in Rivers State?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

H01: There is no significant relationship between scenario planning and Organizational Resilience of selected commercial banks in Rivers State.

H02: There is no significant relationship between demands forecasting        and Organizational Resilience of selected commercial banks in Rivers State.

H03: There is no significant relationship between supply forecast and Organizational Resilience of selected commercial banks in Rivers State.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Arguably, it is used to acknowledge that a study of this nature is not basically carries out for it purpose but as a result of some associated benefits it can help to offer generally, it will help employers to ascertain the need for carrying out effective human capital planning in the respective organization.

The onions of this study will also open up future vents for young practicing managers to enhance human capital planning as a strategic and administrative tool for Organizational Resilience and continue process for business survival most importantly, this study will also provide useful informant to other scholars in the academic field in topical area under investigation and finally, this study will also proved useful guide and information to other students that will carry out their studies in the future. In the next segment definition of terms will be discussed.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study is delimited under the following heading: content scope, geographical scope and unit of analysis.

Content Scope: The content scope of this study involves on investigation to ascertain the relationship between human capital planning and Organizational Resilience. The dependent variable is Organizational Resilience, measures by Innovation, Adaptability and market share. While independent variable is Human capital planning measure by scenario planning, demand forecast, supply forecast and Training.

Geographical Scope: This study is delimited in some selected commercial banks in Port Harcourt. Which include Zenith bank, Union Bank and UBA all in Trans-Amadi, Port Harcourt.

Unit of Analysis: The unit of analysis in this research is involves the individuals at the time of carrying out the study. The scope of this study is to ascertain the relationship between human capital planning and Organizational Resilience. In the next segment Limitation of the study will discussed.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

In carrying out an investigation of this native the researcher must be faced the following constraint.

Firstly, the time constraint’s the time frame provision for this study was short.

Secondly, financial constraints. Usually, a study of this nature involved some level of expenditure therefore, finance was also a limiting factor.

Thirdly, poor response from the respondent and inability to access the entire population of the study. In the next segment significance of the study will be discussed. Lastly, poor measurement instrument.

1.8 Definition of Terms

DEMAND:     This is the willingness of an organization to employ competent persons in the labour market.

EFFECTIVENESS: Doing the right thing.

EFFECTIVENESS: Doing the right tiling.

FORECASTING: Is the process of using past and current information about phenomenon to predict future condition.

MANPOWER: This is the number of workers available for industrial needs.

PLANNING: The process of setting goals and objectives and determining the process and strategies in achieving these goals.

PRODUCTIVITY: I the range at which a given company is able to cover with his product.

SUPPLY: it is the availability of competent person in the labour market.

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: A process of acquiring knowledge for improvement.

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