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The study has examined the relationship between human capital planning and organization resilience. The purpose of study is to examine the relationship between scenario planning and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt, to ascertain the relationship between demand forecasting           and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt, to examine the relationship between supply forecast and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt  and to ascertain the relationship between training and development and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt.  The survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study is made up of 222 senior and junior staff of union and zenith bank. The Taro Yemen’s formula was used to determine the sample size of 140. Data collection was done using a structured questionnaire. The method used to analyze the data was simple descriptive method stated in tables and expressed in percentage. A self-design questionnaire on human capital planning and organization resilience was used specifically for data collection, recording and measuring data or research variables. The chi-square statistical test was employed, this test was used due to the nature of the questionnaire designed for the hypothesis testing with the SPSS version 22.Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that the management of bakeries should continue to ensure that the Human Resource policy, which is a result of the organization strategy to use human resource, among others, to achieve outstanding performance very year, is upheld, besides a   thorough knowledge of the position the organization is trying to fill, recruiters must be able to pinpoint sources of human resources. Since the supply of individuals from which to recruit is continually changing, there will be time when finding appropriate human resources will be much harder than at other times and the advice is that the human resource specialists should continually monitor the labour market so that they will know where to recruit appropriate human resources and determine what kind of strategies and tactics to use to attract job applicants in a competitive market place.

Table of Contents

Title Page        i

Title Page        ii

Declaration      iii

Certification    iv

Dedication      v

Acknowledgements    vi

Abstract          vi

Table of Contents       vi

List of Tables  vi

List of Figures vi



1.1 Background of the Study 6

1.2 Statement of the Problem 6

1.3 Objectives of the Study    6

1.4 Research Question            6

1.5 Research Hypotheses        6

1.6 Significance of the Study 6

1.7 Scope/Delimitation of Study        6

1.8 Definition of Terms          6



2.1     Conceptual Framework 6

2.1.1  Concept of Human Capital Planning    6

2.1.2  Dimensions of Human Capital Planning           6

2.1.3  Organizational Resilience         6

2.1.4  Measures of Organizational Resilience 6

2.1.5 The Relationship between Human Capital Planning and Organizational           Performance   6

2.2     Theoretical Framework 6

2.2.1  Human Capital Theory  6

2.2.2  Contingency Theory     6

2.2.3  Configurational Theory 6

2.3     Empirical Review          6



3.1   Research Design 6

3.2   Population of the Study  6

3.3   Sample and Sampling Techniques          6

3.4   Methods of Data Collection       6

3.5   Method of Data Analysis           6

3.6   Questionnaire Design      6

3.7   Data Analytical Techniques        6

3.8   Reliability and Validity  6



4.1 Data Collection and Presentation 6

4.2 Discussion of Findings     6



5.1 Summary   6

5.2 Conclusion            6

5.3 Recommendations            6

References      6

Appendix I      6

Appendix II    6

List of Tables

Table 4.1: Questionnaire Administration and Retrieval         6

Frequency Table          6

Age of Respondents   6

Academic Qualification          6

Employee Designation            6

Chi-Square Test          6

List of Figures

Fig. 2.1: A Conceptual Framework on Human Capital Planning and Resilience Performance          6



1.1 Background of the Study

Organizational resilience refers to an organization’s ability to create an environment that enhances career resiliency of their employees (Brock & Grady, 2002; Nishikawa, 2006). An organization committed to building resilient employees will foster openness in communication, encouragement of individual contributions for personal growth, risk-taking all with the promise of employee recognition and rewards (O’Leary, 1998). Resilient organizations structure, restructures themselves to attain a mission, support the optimal development of shared decision-making. They provide feedback, set goals, and have intelligence-gathering mechanisms (Nishikawa, 2006). They employ people who react quickly and efficiently to change and perceive experiences constructively, ensuring adequate external resource, expand decision-making boundaries, develop the ability to create solutions on the spot, and develop tolerance for uncertainty (Greene et al., 2002). One way an organization can be resilient is through human resources management.

To achieve competitive advantage, Bohlander, Snell & Sherman (2001) argue that while people have always been central to organizations, they have now taken on  an  even  more  central  role  in  building  a  firm’s  competitive advantage. They reiterate the fact that success increasingly depends on the organization’s people-embodied know-how, which includes the knowledge, skills and abilities embedded in an organization’s employees. Organisations best able to meet these challenges are those that can acquire and utilize valuable and scarce resources. Human resources fall into this category of resources, particularly if they are effectively deployed through appropriate human resource practices (Boohene & Asuinura (2011). One of the key tasks for an organization, therefore, is  the  effective  management of  human  resource. Research in Human Resource Management (HRM) has established that the success of any organisation is highly influenced by the calibre of its human resource (HR),  which  in  turn,  is  affected  by  the  organization’s  human resource management practices (Okoh,2005).

The workforce service in the Nigerian public service at all tiers of government is mostly bloated unwieldy and ineffective. The services, which is the engine room of progressive policy formulation and implementation and the sole provision of basic social amenities that sustained lively hood and propelled economic development of the counting has degenerated into a creaky apparatus of political patronage that ignores merit and puts round pegs in square hold (Abdullahi, et al 2007:72). Problems of productivity and redundancy, inefficiency in the use of resources, faulty recruitment of employees, inadequate training, and lack of clear objective and absence of replacement chart/succession plans. The present situation in Nigeria public sector amenities erratic seems to imply the absence of proper human capital, capital planning process. It with therefore, be pertinent to examine human capital planning in the Nigerian public sector the paper seeks to assess the relationship between human capital has a good competitive advantage that will enhance higher performance. Human capital manning becomes a part of overall efforts to achieve cost effective and firm performance.

Other have argued that financial analysis measure are inadequate due to performance and cannot capture the true picture of the performance of the organization in the context of the modem business environment (Kaplan and Norton, 1996). What appear clear is that there are five main areas to considered when evaluating business performance market share, innovation head time and portion of revenue spent on research and development activities productivity of all input liquidity.

Organizations are becoming increasing conversant with the reality that the substance of a good culture heads to value addition and maximization of profit. Human capital planning is one of the most critical of all resources at the disposal of any organization, whether, public or private. The right quality and quantity of human capital (employed) is a measure of an organization’s strength health success and security. The main thrust of this research is to critically assess the prospect of human capital planning in the achievement of organizational resilience.

Finally, human capital planning is getting wider attention of the job market due to the downturn in the various economies of the world. Therefore we inclined to say that there as a relationship between human capital planning and organizational performance in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite various government interventions through reform has remained poor performance and inefficiency. The cumulate effect on the sector is the closure or privatization and commercialization of several bakeries in Port Harcourt.

Also, organizations, they still operate below expectation with low productivity, high rate of employee turnover and absenteeism. Where the human capital is not planned, organizations will be confronted with the problem of over or under staffing, inability to attract and retain presumed. Other problems will include the inability to provide realistic staffing projections, escalating personnel and other relates lost and the inability to utilize resources effectively and efficiently the present situation in bakeries in Port Harcourt where inefficiency and ineffectiveness abound and the supply of basic social amenities erratic seem to imply the absence of proper human capital planning process it will therefore be pertinent to examine human capital planning process in bakeries in Port Harcourt with a view to highlighting pros peals. The general thrust of this work, is to critically evaluate human capital planning in bakeries in Port Harcourt therefore this work seek to assess the prospect of human capital planning in the achievement of organizational resilience.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to ascertain the relationship human capital planning and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt. The following objectives are to be achieved according.

1.         To examine the relationship between scenario planning and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt.

2.         To ascertain the relationship between demand forecasting    and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt.

3.         To examine the relationship between supply forecast and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt.

4.         To ascertain the relationship between training and development and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt.

1.4       Research Question

The following research questions are postulated to guide the study:

1.         To        what extent does scenario planning associated with organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt?

2.         To        what extent does Demand forecasting associated with organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt?

3.         What extent does supply forecast associated with organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt?

4.         To        what extent does training and development associated with organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt?

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:

HO1:   There is no significant relationship between scenario planning and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt.

HO2:   There is no significant relationship between demand forecasting      and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt.

HO3:   There is no significant relationship between supply forecast and organizational resilience in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be important in providing understanding into the various human resource planning strategies required to effectively perform in the insurance sector of the state. In particular, this study proposes to fill the gap in the body of knowledge in the determinants of human resource planning. This information will be useful to various stakeholders and potential investors who aim at improving the value of their share capitals. The study will form a good base upon which further research in the insurance sector will be based since it will help in forming empirical study and act as a source of secondary material.

The study will empower the management of the firms to escalate the factors undermining human resource planning, hence re-evaluating their strategies vis-a-vis this factors. The human resource manager will also incorporate the findings of this study in the strategic planning of their firms.

The study will help guide government policy pertaining to human resource and regulation for bakeries in Rivers State

1.7 Scope/Delimitation of Study

The study is delimited under the following heading: content scope, geographical scope and unit of analysis.

Content Scope: The content scope of this study involves on investigation to ascertain the relationship between human capital planning and organizational resilience. The dependent variable is organizational resilience, measures by response, robustness and resourcefulness. While independent variable is Human capital planning measure by scenario planning, demand forecast, supply forecast and Training.

Geographical Scope: This study is delimited in some selected bakeries in Port Harcourt which include Crinkles Bakery 118 Woji Road, Divine Inspiration Cakes n Chops, No 1 Ojimunaye Close, off RD Road, behind Shell Residential Area, KlingBakeshop, 3 Ebony Road, Diva Cakes Port Harcourt, 9 Circular Rd, Dripples Cakes, 22b Elelenwo Street, Cake Haven PHC, Everyday Emporium 2, Elelenwo Street, and Havana Bakeries, 7b Eliwobukoro, Ada-George Road.

Unit of Analysis: The unit of analysis in this research is involves selected bakeries in Port Harcourt at the time of carrying out the study. The scope of this study is to ascertain the relationship between human capital planning and organizational performance. In the next segment Limitation of the study will discussed.

In carrying out an investigation of this native the researcher must be faced the following constraint.

Firstly, the time constraint’s the time frame provision for this study was short.

Secondly, financial constraints. Usually, a study of this nature involved some level of expenditure therefore; finance was also a limiting factor.

Thirdly, poor response from the respondent and inability to access the entire population of the study. In the next segment significance of the study will be discussed.

1.8 Definition of Terms

DEMAND: This is the willingness of an organization to employ competent persons in the labour market.

FORECASTING: Is the process of using past and current information about phenomenon to predict future condition.

ORGANIZATIONAL RESILIENCE: Organizational resiliency refers to an organization’s ability to create an environment that enhances career resiliency of their employees.

RESOURCEFULNESS: Resourcefulness means the ability to adapt to crises, respond flexibly and when possible transform a negative impact into a positive.  For a system to be adaptive means that it has inherent flexibility, which is crucial to enabling the ability to influence of resilience. 

RESPONSE: Response means the ability to mobilize quickly in the face of crises. This component of resilience assesses whether an organization has good methods for gathering relevant information from all parts of society and communicating the relevant data and information to others, as well as the ability for decision makers to recognize emerging issues quickly.

ROBUSTNESS: Robustness incorporates the concept of reliability and refers to the ability to absorb and withstand disturbances and crises.

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