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The research examines human capital management and organizational productivity of selected deposit money banks in Rivers State. The population of the study is 100 staff of Union Bank and Access Bank, Trans Amadi branch, Port Harcourt. The Taro Yemens formula was used to determine the sample size of 80. The questionnaire was designed to obtain a fair representation of the opinions of 80 respondents using a yes and no scale type. The simple percentage was used for the analyses. The chi-square statistical tool was used test hypotheses. The study revealed that there is a significant relationship between human capital management and organizational productivity. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations were made that Banks should endeavor to have a strong corporate governance to solve the solution of weak human resource management to make a very good organizational performance, the human capital manager in companies should ensure that, there is need for appropriate staffing for the company to know when and how to sort for employees to meet their various needs in the organization, banks should enact policies for recruiting and training the best employees to attain the best of their services to the organization ensuring they are of high performers, organizations and managers should give room for collective bargaining and provide fringe benefits to their workers to boost their morale and there should be solutions to the problems of lack of manpower planning and inefficiency in the recruitment and selection of employees in companies in order to create room for better performance.

Table of Content

Title Page        i

Cover Page      ii

Declaration      iii

Certification    iv

Dedication      v

Acknowledgements    vi

Abstract          viii

List of Tables  xi

List of Figures xii



1.1  Background of the Study            1

1.2  Statement of the Problems           3

1.3  Objectives of the Study   4

1.4  Research Questions          4

1.5  Significance of the Study            5

1.6  Scope of the Study          6

1.7  Limitations of the Study  6

1.8  Definition of Terms         6



2.1    Conceptual Framework  8

2.1.1 Concept of human capital management 8

2.1.2  Dimensions of Human Capital Management    10

2.1.3  Concept of Organizational Productivity           13

2.1.4   Measures of Organizational Productivity        14

2.1.5   The Effect of Human Resources Planning on Organizational Productivity    17

2.2      Theoretical Review      18

2.2.1   Goal Theory     18

2.2.2   Control Theory 19

2.3      Empirical Review         21



3.1  Research Design  23

3.2   Population of the Study  23

3.3  Questionnaire Design       24

3.4   Source and Method of Data Collection  24

3.5  Sample and Sampling Techniques           25

3.6  Data Analytical Techniques         26

3.7  Reliability and Validity   26

CHAPTER 4   28


4.0 Introduction          28

4.1 Data Collection and Presentation 28

4.2 Data Analysis        29

4.3 Testing of Hypothesis       32

CHAPTER 5   39


5.1 Summary   39

5.2 Conclusions           39

5.3 Recommendations            40

References      41

Appendix I      43

Appendix II    44

List of Tables

Table 4.1: Questionnaire Administration and Retrieval         28

Table 4.2: showing the age of respondents     29

Table 4.3: Showing the Gender/Sex of Respondents 29

Table 4.5: Showing the Marital Status of Respondents         30

Table 4.6: Personnel aspect influence organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State.            31

Table 4.7: Welfare aspect promote organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State   31

Table 4.8: Efficiency associate with corporate sustainability in commercial Banks in Rivers State. 32

List of Figures

Figure 2.1: A Conceptual Framework Showing the Relationship between Human Capital Management and Organizational Productivity    8



1.1 Background of the Study

Productivity involves goal attainment. It is the successful transfer of input to output at the lowest possible cost. Productivity implies both efficiency and effectiveness.

 The above definition is two-tie. The first involves a set of result or performance. Performing or accomplishing a set of result refers to the effectiveness in reaching a mission, a planned achievement or a needed value without serious regard for the cost incurred in the process. Certainly, accomplishing  a  set  of  result  is  by  far  the  most  important  focus  of  the productive concept because without it there is no productivity. The second part involves consuming resources without which achievements are not likely to happen and productivity cannot exist. It specifies the number type and level of resources needed, e.g. plant capacity, cost, raw materials, personnel, facilities, capital, technology. How well these resources are brought together refers to the efficiency of achieving results with minimum exposure of the resources. High productivity suggests minimum use of resources. One construct that can enhance organizational productivity is human capital management.

Organization is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals or organization is a systematic arrangement of people to accomplish the same specific purpose. Every organization is composed of three elements i.e.  people, goals and system. The purpose is expressed as goals generally .Each organization has a systematic structure that defines members and some members are managers and some are operatives. Organization according to Caroline (2008) is a social entity whose goal is directed, deliberately structured activity systems with a preamble boundary. Alan (2008) claimed that productivity is the rate at which an employer, company or country produces goods and the amount, produced compared with how much time, work and money is needed to produce them. Productivity is about how well people combine resources such as raw materials, labour, skills, capital, equipment, land, intellectual property, managerial capability and financial capital to produce goods and services.

Mah’s (1978) defined productivity as the measure of how well resources are brought together in organization and utilized for accomplishing a set of goals. It involves reaching the highest level of performance with the least expenditure of resources.

Human Capital Management (HCM) is an important factor that aids or supports the productivity of any organization. Human capital practices have positive effect on organizational performance (in terms of growth), that is why scholars suggested that more conceptual and empirical work should be carried out (Brewster, 2004).

Stoner et al (2005) conceived it as the management function through which manager’s recruit, select, train and develop the organizational members. Human Capital Management (HCM) is concerned with getting better results (growth) with the collaboration of people. This clearly underscored the important status of the human factor at work. Observably, studies relating to human capital management and organizational productivity appear scanty. This is the gap this study fills. Consequently, this study investigates the relationship between human capital management and organizational productivity in the banking system.

Scarborough and Elias (2002) believe that: ‘The concept of human capital is most usefully viewed as a bridging concept that is, it defines the link between HR practices and business performance in terms of assets rather than business processes.’ They point out that human capital is to a large extent ‘non-standardized, tacit, dynamic, context dependent and embodied in people’. These characteristics make it difficult to evaluate human capital bearing in mind that the ‘features of human capital that are so crucial to firm performance are the flexibility and creativity of individuals, their ability to develop skills over time and to respond in a motivated way to different contexts’.

It is indeed the knowledge, skills and abilities of individuals that create value, which is why the focus has to be on means of attracting, retaining, developing and maintaining the human capital they represent. Davenport (1999) comments that: People possess innate abilities, behaviours and personal energy and these elements make up the human capital they bring to their work. And it is they, not their employers, who own this capital and decide when, how and where they will contribute it. In other words, they can make choices. Work is a two-way exchange of value, not a one-way exploitation of an asset by its owner. The choices they make include how much discretionary behaviour they are prepared to exercise in carrying out their role (discretionary behaviour refers to the discretion people at work can exercise about the way they do their job and the amount of effort, care, innovation and productive behaviour they display). They can also choose whether or not to remain with the organization.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Every organization, either large or small, struggles to acquire productivity so as to achieve success and maintain a valuable image in this present world of organizational competitions and it  is the wish of organizations to  see the input they use (resources) and  the output (goods and services produced) they have at the end.

The population of workers in an organization may be very large and yet that organization achieves a very low productivity and with no improvement in their products. This could occur as a result of absence of teamwork in such organizations and if so, then there are other organizations that have teams and yet achieve little or no productivity at all. It may be as a result of the following problems:

 Lack of human capital management in the Organization :  That  is  the  failure of an organization to coordinate works into work groups  in  order  to  tap  from the respective human resources the organization possesses.

Poor Leadership Styles in the Organization: It may be as a result o f the leadership style of the organization possibly not favourable to the management.

Poor Leadership of the Work Teams: Different work teams may exist, but lacks the persons with the team leading acumen to lead them.

Lack of Motivation of the Workforce: The way in which organizations reward their workforce may also lead to low organizational productivity even when their staff works in teams.

Prevailing Conditions that hinder growth in an Organization:  The conditions permanently occurring in an organization (lack of picking up o f innovative  ideas) thus, absence of designing motivational programs,  educational  growth,  bonuses, job rotation  and  the  use  of old  technologies,  etc,  may  be  the  cause  of  low organizational productivity

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of this study is to investigate the relationship between Human Capital Management (HCM) and organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State. Accordingly, the following objectives will be achieved:

1.         To examine the relationship between personnel aspect and organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State.

2.         To examine the relationship between welfare aspect and organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State. 

3.         To examine the relationship between Human resources planning and organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State. 

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions are posed to guide this study:      

1.         To what extant does personnel aspect influence organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State.

2.         To what extant does welfare aspect promote organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State. 

3.         To what extant does Human resource planning influence organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State. 

1.5 Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study:

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between personnel aspect and organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State.

Ho2: There is no significant relationship between welfare aspect promote organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State.

Ho3: There is no significant relationship between Human resource planning influence organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study would be of significant benefit in number of ways.

Firstly it will assist academicians and scholars interested in issues pertaining to Human Capital Management (HCM) and its relationship to organizational growth, both in public and private sector, especially in modern banking system.

Secondly, to practicing managers in the formulation of policies, standards, guidelines and procedure for handling difficult issues on Human Capital Management (HCM) so that it will positively relates to the growth of the organization in its business operation.

Thirdly, It is also relevant to state here emphatically that this article also stand as an increment to the body of knowledge.

1.6   Scope of the Study

This study is delimited under the following;

Content Scope: This study examines the relationship between Human Capital Management (HCM) and organizational productivity in selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State.

Geographical Scope: The geographical scope of this study covers the selected deposit money Banks in Rivers State e.g Zenith Bank and First Bank.

Unit of Analysis: This study is macro based analytical study.

1.7   Limitations of the Study

There are some constraints or barriers imposed on the study by the nature of the problem and research situation. These factors or limitation are outside our control, but we tried to adjust or adapt the study to accommodate such factors. They include;

Firstly of such constraining factors encompass financial constraints. A study of this nature, will obviously involve a huge financial outlay that will also expose the researcher to a level of financial expenditure.

Secondly, another factor that constrains the researcher is time-frame allowable for the study.

Third, the uncompromising behaviour of some respondents in the data collection process, will also be limiting.

Finally, another limiting factor in the circumstance is the difficulties involved in Access Banking materials for the study.

1.8 Definition of Terms

The following terms are derived from the conceptual framework and are defined as follows:

CAPITAL: It is the term used in establishing and maintaining any organization. It could be finance, humans etc.

EXPANSION: Expansion is the increase in productivity of the organization and also further establishment of various branches of the organization in various locations.

HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: Human Capital Management (HCM) is a process of bringing qualified people and organization together, developing and motivating them so that the goals of the organization or establishment will be achieved.

HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING: Human resource planning is the process by which management ensures that they have the right number of people occupying strategic positions, capable of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organizations in achieving its goals.

HUMAN: Is all labor force required in appropriate number with skills needed to carry out a certain task or activity.

INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ASPECT: It is the process of solving various disputes or grievances that may occur within the organization. This includes union management relations, joint consultation, collective bargaining etc.

ORGANIZATION: Is a group of people coming together with a special purpose or interest to achieve.

PLANNING: Is a process of forecasting the future.

PROFITABILITY: Is the act or an increment in an organization net profit, revenue, and other final data that placed an organization in an optima position of achieving its stated goals.

WELFARE ASPECT: It deals with the working conditions and amenities such as canteens, rest and launch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance etc.

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