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The investigation of potable water availability and its health implication is very important for the well being of any community. The aim of this research work is to analyze water quality of the study area for physiochemical properties. Also to determine safe drinking water for borehole drilling recommendation in Bodo-City Community. The methodology adopted is geophysical method where the Schlumberger array and Wenner array method were employed. The collected six (6) water samples were analyzed and presented in the study. Also, physical, chemical as well as the biological parameters were investigated. The policy implication is that there are household dynamics that need to be considered in planning a portable water supply for a safe health.
Cover Page………………………………………………………………….i
Title Page…………………………………….………………………….…ii
Declaration Iii
Certification Iv
Dedication V
Acknowledgement Vi
Abstract Vii
Table Of Contents Viii
Chapter One 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Statement Of The Problem 3
1.3 Objectives Of The Study 4
Chapter Two 5
2.1 Litesrature Review 5
2.1.1 Background Information 5
2.1.2 Evolution Of Water Supply In Nigeria 8
2.2 Sources Of Water 9
2.2.1 Surface Water 9
2.2.2 Ground Water 10
2.2.3 Rain Water 10
2.3 Health Implications Of Potable Water Scarcity………………10
2.3.1 Recent Cases Of Cholera In Nigeria 12
Chapter Three 16
3.1 Materials And Methods 16
Location Of The Surveyed Area 16
3.1.1materials Used For Geophysical Analysis 16
3.1.2 Method 19
3.1.3 Laboratory Equipment 20
3.1.4 Laboratory Data Collection 21
3.1.5 Limitations Of The Study 22
Chapter Four 23
4.1 Test Result 23
4.3 Results 29
4.4 Discussion Of Result 30
Chapter Five 31
Conclusion And Recommendation 31
5.1 Conclusion And Recommendation 31
Reference 33
Water is in essential and the most important natural resource to mankind. It is a vital element to virtually all production processes and for human consumption. Every organism and ecosystem depends on water for survival. The availability of potable water is on the increase due to increase in human population of which demand to access to potable water already exceed to potable water already exceed supply and for industrial activities (Nkata, 1998).
Water is an essential resource for life and good health. Lack of water to meet daily needs is a reality today for one in three people around the world. Globally, the problem is getting worse as cities and population grow, and the needs for water increase in agriculture, industry and households (WHO, 2009).
Globally, water in required in food production, processing of economic materials and consumption. Its quality and availability affects the health and productivity of man. As such, as can safely say that “ Water is the life of man”. However, critical as it is to man’s existence, its geographical distribution and availability in the world is uneven and the quality that is available for agricultural and human consumption is limited. Though, recognized as a social, cultural and economic good, the increasing consumption of potable water has made it scarce. World projections of water availability show that it will decline by the year 2025 if the current use pattern continues. (Ringler et al, 2009).
Scarcity of potable water has extended to the point at which the aggregate impact of all users impinges on the supply or quality of water under prevailing institutional arrangements to the extent that the demand by all sectors, including the environment, cannot be satisfied fully. Potable water scarcity is a relatively concept and can occur at any level of supply or demand. It may be social construct (a product of affluence, expectations and customary behaviour) or the consequent of altered supply patterns (UNDESA, 2011)
The health consequences of potable water scarcity include diarrhea diseases such as cholera, typhoid fever, salomonellosis, other gastrointestinal viruses, and dysentry water scarcity and poor sanitation have remained daunting challenges for concerned citizens and development partners. The ripples effects of the country’s weak health sanitation also have direct impact on the nation’s workforce as many people in the working class and children loss thousands of man hours to communicable diseases. Many families have stories to tell about pains suffered from losses of children, especially less than five years (Akintola, 2011)
The impact of sabotage (pipeline vandalization) and industrial equipment/tool failures have been known to be the major source of oil spillage in oil producing communities in Niger Delta (Bodo Community as a case study). This poses threat to ground water condition due to its ubiquitous natural. This threat becomes critical in the case of shallow aquifer condition. The need to delineate the protective capacity of ground water in order to detect its level of vulnerability becomes imminent.
Although surrounded by water, bodo-city community does not have adequate supply of potable water due to constant oil spills from the facilities at bodo SPDC oil field pollute rivers, contaminate fish kill vegetation and endanger the lives of the community members who depend on water for domestic use. This pollution also affects the quality of water from the wells and boreholes.
Hence, the study focuses on providing relevant measures of preventing health related disease of bacteriological contaminated water.
- To identify potable water intrusion by sea water and level of fresh water contamination in aquifers
- To analyze water quality of the study area for physico-chemical properties
- To determine safe drinking water for borehole drilling recommendation.