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This study examined the relationship between Globalization and Human Resources Performance in Some Selected Multi-National Companies In Port Harcourt. The survey research design that is cross sectional was employed. The population is made up of 200 employees selected from the human resources department of three Multinational firms in Port Harcourt which include Agip, Intels and SPDC, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The Taro Yemen formula was used to determine the sample size of 166. In the study, the structured questionnaire was adopted. Self-designed questionnaires on globalization and human resources performance was used and administered for the collection of data from the respondents in the selected multi-National companies in Port Harcourt. The questions posed were properly tested with the stated hypotheses; Chi-Square statistical techniques was been adopted. The reason for chosen this method is that it helps to examine the relationship that exist between or among variables. Findings reveals that there is a significant relationship between Globalization and Human Resources Performance in some selected Multinational Companies in Port Harcourt. Based on the findings of the study a few recommendations were made; that multi-National firms should accept cultural diffusions for the organization to be able to relate with diverse culture; Management should also be updated with economic trends to keep the organization floating despite the economic situation and Management should also ensure that the organization is ready to prepare their employees ahead of climatic conditions that can affect their efficiency and effectiveness as it will determine their level of performance, amongst others.
Table of Contents
Title Page i
Declaration iii
Certification iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgements vi
Abstract viii
Table of Contents ix
List of Tables xi
List of Figures xii
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problems 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study 3
1.4 Significance of the Study 4
1.5 Research Questions 5
1.6 Statement of Hypotheses 5
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study 6
1.8 Definition of Terms 7
2.1 Conceptual Framework 9
2.1.1 Concept of Globalization 9
2.1.2Dimensions of Globalization 10
2.1.3 Concept of Human Resources Management 11
2.1.4 Measures of Human Resources Performance 16
2.2 Theoretical Framework 17
2.3 Empirical Review 18
3.1 Research Design 26
3.2 Population of the Study 27
3.3 Sample and Sampling Techniques 28
3.4 Source and Method of Data Collection 30
3.5 Instrument design 30
3.6 Data Analytical Method 30
4.1Data Collection and Presentation 31
4.2 Data Analysis 32
4.3 Testing of Hypothesis 36
4.4 Discussion of Findings 38
5.1 Summary 40
5.2 Conclusions 40
5.3 Recommendations 41
References 42
Appendix I 45
Appendix II 46
1.1 Background of the Study
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a very critical and imperative function that operates within an organization. This function can be classified into recruitment, compensation, development related to the organization, safety, motivation of employees, benefits, wellness, communication and training, administration and performance management and all the activities that are associated with the employees and the ways direction is provided to them to achieve the goals of the organization. Line managers also play a vital role in performing human resource management. Human resource management is inclusive and a proper systematic approach to manage the people working in the organization. It also copes with the ways how the environment and culture within the organization is managed. If there is effective and appropriate Human Resources Management (HRM) it will lead to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives adding to the productivity of the organization. Early Human Resource Management was traditional but now the concepts have changed tremendously. It is now more than the traditional outsourced activities that were related to personnel, transactional roles and administration. It is not a demarcated area but a broader concept and with the passage of time, it is becoming more enriched and hence provides the organization with an edge against its competitors. Effective HRM is adding value to the success of the organization by stirring the employee programs that have a significant impact on the business. One construct that can determine human resources performance is globalization. Global organizations are utilizing the organization’s data to making informed decisions instead of relying on their intuitions or gut feelings. Likewise, HR departments of global companies also assemble data such as employee, attrition and hiring, compensation and benefits, ethnic, gender, cultural, and nationality distributions, and load the same into data warehouses and data marts. By analyzing the past and current data, business analyst get business insights, and make fact based decisions. Globalization represents the global integration of international trade, investment, Information Technology (IT), and cultures. It is driven by government policies designed to open up economies domestically and internationally to boost development in poorer countries and raise standards of living for their people. However, the international free market that has been created as a result of these policies has mainly benefited multinational corporations in the Western world to the detriment of smaller businesses, cultures and common people.Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world. From the foregoing therefore, the study seeks to examine the relationship between Globalization and Human Resources Performance in Multinational Companies in Port Harcourt.
1.2 Statement of Problems
The Global Human Resource Information System consists of a number of component systems that are interdependent. Studies have been conducted on Globalization and its effect on the Development of Nation Economy (Ebi, 2017). Globalization is not new, though. For thousands of years, people and, later, corporations have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, people and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalization are similar to those prevailing before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. Form the foregoing therefore, the study is determined to examine the relationship between globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt. the specific objectives are as follows:
- To examine the relationship between political globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt.
- To examine the relationship between cultural globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt.
- To examine the relationship between Economic globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt.
- To examine the relationship between Ecological globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt.
1.4 Significance of the Study
The study will be beneficial to all service organization especially the public sector organizations as it emphasized the need and encourage the establishment of policy guidelines on the efficient and effective human resources management.
The study shall have a great impact on individuals, organization and the society at large. Subsequently, it will enhance good suggestions for achieving better performance through an effective training/development programmes. Moreover, the study shall provide framework which will assist business organization and the society as a whole on how to evolve an enduring training programmes capable of achieving the desired result for an organization.
It will help managers of various organizations to generate ideas and solution to problems based on the best way to run training in their organization in order to achieve desired goals and objectives. It will equally be useful to small scale business, large corporations, management and consultants, practitioners, and universities, college of education and to the government.
It will also help researchers to know more about the relevance of human resources management.
Finally, it will be of great value to management, researchers, investors, government and students as a point of reference and will equally form the basis for further research study.
1.5 Research Questions
The following research questions will be used to guide the study.
- To what extent does political globalization associate with human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt?
- To what extent does cultural globalization associate with human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt?
- To what extent does Economic globalization associate with human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt?
- To what extent does Ecological globalization associate with human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt?
1.6 Statement of Hypotheses
In line with the objective of the study, the following hypotheses were postulated to guide the study.
HO1: There is no significant relationship between globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt.
HO2: There is a significant relationship between globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-National Companies in Port Harcourt.
HO3: There is a significant relationship between economic globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-national companies in port Harcourt.
HO2: There is a significant relationship between ecological globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-national companies in port Harcourt.
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the Study
The study examines the relationship between globalization and human resource performance in selected multi-national firms in Port Harcourt.
The study is delimited under the following headings; content scope, geographical scope and unit of analysis
Content Scope: The content of this study involves on investigation to ascertain the relationship between globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-national firms in Port Harcourt.
Geographical Scope: This study is delimited to some selected multi-national firms in Port Harcourt.
Unit of Analysis: The unit of analysis involved the staff at the terms of carrying this study. The scope of this study is to ascertain the relationship between globalization and human resources performance in selected multi-national firms in Port Harcourt.
In carrying out an investigation of this nature the researcher must be faced with some constraints.
Firstly, the time constraint’s the time frame provision for this study was short.
Secondly, financial constraints. Usually, a study of this nature involved some level of expenditure therefore, finance was also a limiting factor.
Thirdly, poor response from the respondent and inability to access the entire population of the study. In the next segment significance of the study will be discussed. Lastly, poor measurement instrument.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations.
Ecological globalization includes population growth, access to food, worldwide reduction in biodiversity, the gap between rich and poor as well as between the global North and global South, human-induced climate change, and global environmental degradation.
Economic globalization refers to the free movement of goods, capital, services, technology and information.
Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output. When something is deemed effective, it means it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression.
It is the ability to avoid wasting material sand time in doing something or in producing a desired result.
Globalization implies the opening of local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is a very critical and imperative function that operates within an organization.
Political globalization’s refers to an increasing trend toward multilateralism (in which the United Nations plays a key role), toward an emerging ‘transnational state apparatus,’ and toward the emergence of national and international nongovernmental organizations that act as watchdogs over governments and have increased.
Productivity involves goal attainment. It is the successful transfer of input to output at the lowest possible cost. Productivity implies both efficiency and effectiveness.