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This project is focused on “Effective communication and its impact on the office manager’s function”. To be able to carry out this study, the researcher review relevant literatures. The purpose of the study is to look at the impact of effective communication on an office manager’s function and to find out if the office manager can perform well without effective communication. The research questions used were how can the office manager’s use effective communication to achieve organizational goals, what effect does effective communication has on an office manager’s function. The main instrument used in collection of data for the study is questionnaires which were structured from four research questions. The population for this study consist of (50) office manager’s in establishment, Agip Oil Company, Government Secretariat, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) out of which the sample size were also use. The data obtained from the respondents were analyzed and the findings arrived at led to the summary, conclusion and recommendations. Finally the findings revealed that office manager’s cannot carryout its function well without effective communication and that effective communication is an aid to achieving effectiveness, maximum efficiency and increase in productivity rate of an office manager which helps organization to achieve its goals. It was recommended that organizations should introduce professional communication skills training for its entire managers’, the clarity of language used should be concise and the person receiving the contents of the communication should pay attention and also comprehensive feedback system should be adopted in both the private and public sector organizations in Nigeria
No man is an island of his own; this is because it is man’s nature to communicate. Whether in the primitive world, or in modern times, in homes, churches, schools, mosques, markets, vehicles, business organizations etc. wherever there are people, there must be communication.
To succeed in the modern business environment, the ability to communicate effectively is highly essential. Possessing the ability to communicate effectively is a sure way of becoming a pacesetter in the business world. No matter the level of technological innovations that characterize our business, environment, the act of communication is solely a responsibility of people. Technology can help us use the best of channels, machines and equipment; but the act of communication itself must be done by people.
According to Nido (2006), technology cannot provide the message; communication is one function that cannot be performed by machines.
Without people there cannot be communication. This is because communication involves the thoughts, ideas, meanings, messages, understanding, needs and feelings of people. Only human beings or higher level of animals can express these. The best any machine can do e.g a computer, is to receive data, store and process data.
Just about every activity in an organization requires communication. Among employees at all levels, communication must take place. Among managers and employees, between the organization and customers, clients, suppliers, and government, there must be a flow of communication. Nothing can work in any organization without communication. Communication is a human activity that occupies a very central and important place in any organization, and so must be given adequate attention, to ensure a smooth work flow.
When communicating and many components are not taken seriously, you run risk of having problems and predicaments. Communication in all its forms must be harnessed to get the best in every situation. In today’s exceedingly fast paced business environment, you have a rich bounty of communication modes at your disposal. Using them to your benefit will make you a force to reckon with in the business world.
Whatever a person does to make another person or persons understand what is in his or her mind is communication. It does not end at understanding, there has to be response from the person or persons listening, for process to be completed. Ahukanah et al (2009), defines communication as the process of exchanging ideas, opinions or emotions between two persons. It is the passing of information from one person to another by the use of words, letters, telephone, reports, invoices, orders and symbols. Communication has also been defined as the giving, receiving or exchange of information and opinion with the material communicated completely understood by everyone concerned.
Humanity today forms a global tribe through the vehicle of communication. Those who therefore do not possess good communication skills will find themselves outside the circle of success.
It is often found that people tend to neglect the importance of having a good effective communication system in an organization which has often led to a critical situation. Organizations face difficulties in several aspects such as reduced productivity, wastage of resources, delays in deliveries, workplace conflict. These factors hinder creativity and profit. This research therefore is geared towards finding out how effective communication can influence the office manager’s function positively.
The aim of this study is to determine the role of effective communication and its effect on an office manager’s functions. Other sub-aims are:-
- To find out what effective communication is and how it can impact on the office manager’s functions.
- To identify how the office manager can use effective communication to achieve organizational goals.
- To find out if the office manager can perform well without effective communication.
- To examine the effect of effective communication on an office manager’s functions.
The research is expected to be of immense benefit to all organizations, office managers, managements, employees, government parastatals, ministries, departments, local government councils, institutions, private sectors, individuals and the public as it will expose how effective communication cab be of help to them.
No organizational system or structure can function without communication. This is because just about every activity in an organization requires communication, organizations rely on effective communication among management and employees, and also among employees at all levels to decide, on and implement the goals and objectives of the organization.
Effective Communication is significant for managers in the organizations so as to perform the basic functions of management, i.e., planning, organizing, communicating, coordinating, controlling and evaluating. Effective communication helps managers to perform their jobs and responsibilities.
This study will help managers to use effective communication to accomplish their function will benefit immensely from effective communication to share vital information and ideas which will helps companies and organizations to succeed.
Since the aim of every business is to make profit, individuals will benefit from effective communication to achieve targeted goals of their businesses.
In the course of carrying out this research, the following questions will guide the study.
- What is effective communication and how can it impact on the office manager’s functions?
- How can the office manager use effective communication to achieve organizational goals?
- In what way can the office manager perform well without effective communication?
- What effect does effective communication have on an office manager’s function?
This study covers some selected organizations in Port Harcourt namely; Ministry of Education, Nigeria Agip Oil Company and Shell Petroleum Development Company.
The researcher encountered the following physical hindrances in the course of carrying out this project exercise.
FINANCE: This was one of the basic factors that hindered the study. Due to lack of finance it was not possible for me to pay my transport bills to Port Harcourt to carry out detailed study.
TIME: This was another factor that limited this study because the time I was having was too short compared to the research at hand.
MATERIALS: Paucity of materials hindered this work. Inadequate and relevant text books and difficulty in accessing the internet facilities as a result of poor network hindered the timely completion of this work.
ELECTRICITY: Poor electricity supply in Bori posed serious challenges to the researcher as adequate concentration at night was made almost impossible because of lack of electricity.
The following terms used in this work is are worthy of being defined.
EFFECTIVE: Producing the result that is wanted or intended, producing a successful result.
COMMUNICATION: A process of passing an understandable message from one person to another.
EFFECT: A change that somebody or something causes in somebody or something else; a result.
OFFICE: The information and decision making unit of an organization or a place where business transaction are carried out.
MANAGER: The person responsible for planning; organizing, communicating, controlling, commanding and evaluating the activities of an organization.
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