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This study is based on the role of information communication technology in modern offices using some selected organizations (Ken Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori, First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Bori branch, and Nigerian Agip Oil Company). The purpose of this study is to identify office workers who have experience of ICT in modern office. Some of the research question used for this study are; What are the challenges faced by office workers as a result of ICT equipment in the modem office; and in what way is ICT important to the Morden office. The population of the study is 95 office workers from the selected organizations. A simple random sampling was used to select 35 office workers from Ken Saro Wiwa Polytechnic; 30 office workers from First City Monument Bank (FCMB) Bori branch; and 30 office workers from Nigerian Agip oil Company. The sample size of this study was made up of 90 office workers from the organization under survey and questionnaires tagged the role of ICT in modern office (ROICTIMO) were distributed to office workers. A total number of 35 questionnaires were retrieved from office workers of Ken Saro Wiwa Polytechnic, 28 were retrieved from First City Monument Bank, and 27 were retrieved from Nigeria Agip Oil Company. From the findings it was revealed that ICT equipments is very essential to the duties of office workers in modern office, and for office workers to cope with the challenges of ICT in modern office, they should go for training when new ICT equipments are brought into the office. Based on these findings, it was recommended that training programmes on the use of modern office equipment for office managers should be embarked upon and institutions offering office technology and management course (private or public) should adequately equip the students with modern office technological devices
If a student chooses a course of study based on natural ability, interest, attitudes and values that student would be happy and successful in his career. There is every likelihood that such a person would remain in that profession after graduation. He would definitely make a breakthrough in the chosen profession.
Career choice is one of the most important and critical decisions a person makes in life. This is because a career has an influence on one’s life and is in fact, the pivot upon which one’s overall personality hinges. On the other hand, if a student’s choice of a course is rather influenced by parents, prestige, economic gains and not on his ability and interest, that person would either be frustrated in life or he may even decide to change to another profession or discipline after graduation.
The major factors influencing the attitudes of male and female students in the choice of career include psychological, sociological, economic, situational, political and religious. Making a good choice of career is a major concern of students, parents and governments. Ginzberg claims, career choice involves making compromise, that is choosing a career which one can make maximum use of one’s interest and capabilities in such a manner that will satisfy his goals, but in doing that, “One has to weigh the environmental factors likely to either enhance or inhibit achieving a maximum degree of satisfaction in one’s life and work.
Okeke, (2007). Studied the relationship between parental occupation and their children’s occupational preferences. Okeke found that 60% of the children were willing to take after their fathers’ occupation while 23% were willing to follow their mothers’ occupations.
Gesinde, (2006). On the other hand posits that parent influence is much more intricate and more pervasive than is shown, which eventually leads to the attitudes of their children in the choice of their course. Peer groups, friends and interest also influence the change in the attitudes of students.
Hinchilife, (2005). In his view observes that friends are an important factor in the career choice of adolescents. Durojaiye also found that 76.5% of the pupils he studied said that their classmates would be employed in professional occupations just like them; while 24% said that their chosen jobs would be same as those of their friends.
In this study, the researcher intends to find out if the following factors among others, influence the change in the attitudes of male and female students in polytechnics in South-South geopolitical Zone in the choice of Office Technology and Management discipline. Such factors as parents, sex, gender, qualification, institution, curriculum content, interests, personal needs, income relations, peer group, sponsor, teacher, vocations guidance and counselor, reading from book, good working conditions, job security, prestige, services to humanity, ability to use hands, health leadership (school authority), different socialization experiences, different gender roles and behavioural patterns, performance of ex-secretarial students, presence of institutional materials, home climate/environmental studies, economic gain and awareness of existing course of study in tertiary institutions.
Many students complain of certain courses in Office Technology and Management, especially typewriting, Shorthand and transcribing it. They believe that the course is too difficult, while some other feel that is a course of last resort and for many youths it is essentially for the female and the non-brilliant students who have limited opportunities. They see no reason why they should sit behind a typewriter which they considered quite disgraceful. There is also the point that the facilities for teaching/learning shorthand/typewriter are not available. Whenever or not these views are correct they are subject to investigation.
Most parents choose courses for their children to reflect their social status. Where parents are rich, they would want their children to study prestigious courses which may be expensive. But where the parents are poor it will also affect the attitudes of the choice of course. Parents seems to influence student’s choice because they believe that the students are not qualified to choose or select a course or profession.
Societal values also affect the attitudes of male and female students in the choice of Office Technology and Management as a discipline. Many people in the society believe that OTM does not command societal respect in Nigeria and this influences the attitudes of student’s choice in the course.
The role of school teachers in guidance/counseling to students, professional society, even the opinion of government also affect the attitudes of students in choosing the course.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the comparative analysis of the attitudes of male and female students in the choice of Office Technology and Management its performance in polytechnics in South-South geopolitical Zone. specifically this study intend to find out;
- To ascertain the perceived attitudes that influence both male and female OTM students in the choice of OTM programme in polytechnics in South-South geopolitical zone.
- To establish whether parental occupation affects the attitudes of students in the choice of OTM discipline.
- To know whether the value society place on OTM programmes affect students attitudes in the course.
- To identify the attitudes of students towards certain course like typewriting, shorthand and transcribing it.
- To know the extent in which guidance and counseling, government and the professional society influence students’ choice of careers.
This research work will serve as a framework for scholars and students who are researching into similar topics. Most especially students of the department of Office Technology and Management and other management science students in polytechnics in South-South geopolitical zone.
The study will help policy makers to formulate unbiased policies on OTM education; parents will encourage their male and female children to enroll in Office Technology and Management programme.
If the findings of this study are well utilized by the government and appropriate authorities, it will help to develop male and female students toward the course “Office Technology and Management”, and this will provide qualified personnel to meet high of department and industries in our changing society.
This study will equally help to enlighten the prospective students to know there is no gender discrimination in the course. This study will as well help to correct some negative attitude and also correct the idea that OTM is a course for people with low mentality and limited opportunity.
To achieve the aim of this research the following questions were formulated.
- What are the perceived attitudes that influence both male and female OTM students in the choice of OTM programme in polytechnics in South-South geopolitical zone?
- To what extent is parental occupation affects the attitudes of students in the choice of OTM discipline?
- In what ways does societal value affects students attitudes in the choice of OTM discipline?
- To what extent are the attitudes of students toward certain course namely; typewriting, shorthand in the choice of OTM?
- To what extent does guidance and counseling, government and the professional society influence students’ choice of careers?
- Attitudes has no effect on male and female OTM students in the choice of OTM programme in polytechnic in South-South geopolitical zone.
- Parental occupation has no effect in the choice of OTM discipline.
- Societal value has no effect in the choice of OTM discipline.
- Student attitude has no effect on certain courses namely typewriting, shorthand in the choice of OTM.
- Guidance and counseling, government and the professional society has no effect on student’s choice of careers.
This study is limited to discussing the comparative analysis of the attitudes of male and female students in the choice of Office Technology and Management discipline in polytechnics in South-South geopolitical zone.