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The study examined the relationship between Career development and employee performance. The descriptive and survey method was employed since the study was to ascertain career development and employee job performance.The population of this study is designed to constitute all management and junior staff of selected Insurance firms in Port Harcourt which include Allianz Insurance 81 Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout, Port Harcourt, Anchor Insurance 62 Olu-Obasanjo Way, Port Harcourt and Ark Insurance Brokers D-line, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.The population of the study was made to be one hundred (100) Allianz  Insurance 81 Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout, Port Harcourt = 30, Anchor  Insurance 62 Olu-Obasanjo Way, Port Harcourt = 30 and Ark Insurance = 20. The Yaro Yemen’s formula was used to determine the sample size of 80. A self-designed questionnaire on career development and employee performance was used and administered for the collection of data. The simple percentage was used to analyse the response. The Chi-Square statistical tool was used to test the hypothesis. Findings reveal that there is a significant relationship between career development and employee performance in selected Insurance firms in Port Harcourt. Based on the findings of the study recommendations were made that commercial Insurance firms should enhance self-assessment strategy and to boost employees’ dedication and commitment to efficiently deliver good customer service. This will improve the sector’s image and commercial Insurance firms should set goals for individual employees as it will help to bring out the best in individual employees in their services.

Table of Contents

Title Page   i

Cover Page ii

Declaration          iii

Certification        iv

Dedication  v

Acknowledgements       vi

Abstract     viii

Table of Contents         ix

List of Figures     xii

CHAPTER 1       1


1.1 Background of the Study          1

1.2 Statement of the Problems         3

1.3 Objectives of the Study    5

1.4 Significance of the Study 5

1.5 Research Questions 6

1.6 Scope/Limitation of the Study  6

1.7 Limitation of the Study   7

1.8 Definition of Terms          7

CHAPTER 2       10


2.1 Conceptual Framework   10

2.1.1 Concept of Career Development      10

2.1.2 Dimension of Career Development  17

2.1.3 Concept of Employee Performance 18

2.1.4Measures of Employee Performance          20

2.1.5 Career Development and Employee Performance       21

2.2 Theoretical framework    22

2.3 Empirical Review   23

CHAPTER 3       25


3.1 Research Design      25

3.2 Population     26

3.3 Sample Size Determination       27

3.4 Sampling Techniques       28

3.5 Source and Method of Data Collection        28

3.6 Methods of Data Collection       29

3.7 Questionnaire Design       30

3.5 Data Analytical Techniques      31

CHAPTER 4       32


4.1 Questionnaire Administration and Retrieval        32

4.2 Data Analysis          33

4.3 Discussion of Findings     38

CHAPTER 5       42


5.1 Summary      42

5.2 Conclusions   42

From our findings, we concluded as follows;    42

5.3 Recommendations  43

References  44

Appendix I 47

Appendix II         48

List of Tables

Table 4.2:  Age bracket of respondents    33

Table 4.3: Sex of respondents         34

Table 4.4: Academic qualification  34

Table 4.5: Marital status        35

Table 4.6: If Self-Assessment Associate With Employee Performance In Selected Insurance Firms In Port Harcourt.         35

Table 4.7: If Goal Setting Associate With Employee Performance In Selected Insurance Firms In Port Harcourt.         36

Question 3: Does Action Planning Associate With Employee Performance In Selected Insurance Firms In Port Harcourt?          37

Table 4.8: If Action Planning Associate With Employee Performance In Selected Insurance Firms In Port Harcourt?        37

Table 4.9: If Organizational Culture Influences Employee Performance.       38

List of Figures

Fig. 1: A Conceptual Framework Showing the Relationship Between Career Development and Employee Performance  10



1.1 Background of the Study

In the business world, the main purpose of the organization is profit and efficiency.Employee Job Performance must do with accomplishing standard of accuracy, cost and speed. Performance seemed to be the fulfillment of an obligation in a manner that release the performer from all liabilities under the contract. This means that an employee must be properly, evaluated in term of their productivity, skills taken decision and total commitment to their job to enable the organization to achieved expected goals (Kuvaas, 2006). Employee performance is derived from the word job performance that means real work produced employee within a specific time period. Performance is a comparison between the work of the real compared to the standard set by the company (Dessler, 2000). Performance is the quantity and quality of produced or services rendered by a person in doing the job (Luthan, 2005). Performance is the work of behavior (Armstrong, 1999). Performance is the relationship betweenwork and behavior.

Employeeperformance is the working result of the employee within a certain time period. Performance is the degree to which the employee reaches the job requirements (Simamora, 1995). Performance is the achievement record resulting from the acquisition of a particular job function or activity during a specific time period (Luthan, 2005).

Employee performance measurement include: quality (fineness, cleanliness, and accuracy), the speed of time, the number and kinds of jobs, skills in using tools, and knowledge of the work. Luthan, (2005). One of the ways an organization can enhance employee job performance is through career development. Nowadays, managers and employers understand that they cannot obtain a good performance from their employees in a platform where both personal career development and organizational career development practices are absent. They realized that developing new methods is necessary, and they must make a fundamental change in this matter. Otherwise, it is likely that their competitors will discover the secret power of workers and act already. One of the roles of the   human   resource   department   is   to   help employees consider potential career routes (Agba, 2010).

Career development is one most serious challenge faced by many in modern society. Although this challenge is not new; it is observed that out of every ten (10) who has an opportunity to pursue a career or course in higher Institution, only few say three (3) out of these ten (10) gets to the top of their career. Relatively, this challenge of career development begins from the level of career choice especially from the time a child leaves primary school to the secondary. The issue of what career to pursue sets in as a big time issue. Definitively, the Oxford Dictionary posits that a career is an occupation undertaken for a significant period of one’s life and with opportunities for progress. Analytically, this conception would suggest that an occupational opportunity that is not accompanied with a significant career progress cannot be seen as a career in its totality.

Career must have various opportunities, such that if is not this, it might be the other but still on same line Similarly, the Business Dictionary argued that a career is often composed of the jobs held; titles earned and work accomplished over a long period of time rather than just referring to one position. This position seeks to demystify the word “progress” used by the Oxford Dictionary, Business Dictionary looks at progress in career as evidenced in the different titles earned from one time to the other in an upward manner. From the foregoing therefore, the study seeks to examine the relationship between career development and employee performance in selected offices of Commercial Insurance firms in Port Harcourt.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

In the business world where competition, change, the value of intellectual capital is continually increasing, organizations try to survive and be successful. To achieve this, the quality and the speed of production need to be increased. To achieve the intended level in factors such as creativity, change, quality and speed which are the building blocks of an organization is strongly related with good and proper use of human resource. Moreover, Ko (2012) underlined that career development includes planning and professional knowledge and independence to improve  creativity,  job  performance,  and innovation. Given that labor capital gives a great advantage in competitive environments, it has become urgent for organizations to use more efficient human resources policies for hiring skilled workers and retaining them in the workplace. They invest in human resources development programs such as offering permanent learning for employees to improve present abilities and add new ones. Employees, then, perform efficiently, and this leads organizations to have a competitive advantage (Lee&Bruvold, 2003, p. 983). Now, financial possibilities are not  enough  for  organizations to keep  their  skilled  employees,  they  also  need  toprovide non-financial possibilities (giving authority or responsibility, appreciation, right to speak, etc.). It is only possible if they try to achieve the goals and values of the organization with their employees based the on DNA of the  organization.  In this point, organizational job satisfaction gains importance. Therefore, the study is determined to examine the relationship between career development and employee performance in selected offices of Commercial Insurance firms in Port Harcourt to fill the gap in literature.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between career development and employee job performance. The following objectives are to be achieved:

1.       To examine the relationship between self-assessment and productivity.

2.       To examine the relationship between goal setting and effectiveness.

3.       To examine the relationship between action planning and efficiency.

1.4 Significance of the Study

          This study is of tremendous benefit it first; it will unravel how the factors that affect career prospects in an organization, the study would be beneficial to:

The result of this study will benefit human resources managers because it will highlight the career path and development policy affecting the organization. It will also enable management to identify the factors that affect career development.

Also this study will be significant to the regulatory professional bodies. It would enable them to design a favourablecareer development structure for their organizations.

The study will also help researchers who are willing to contribute to the body of knowledge and future research on same or similar topic who would find this episode as a reference tool.

The general public who would use this as a guide in career decision.

1.5 Research Questions

          The following research questions are posed to guide the study:

1.       To what extent does self-assessment associate with productivity?

2.       To what extent does goal setting associate with effectiveness?

3.       To what extent does action planning associate with efficiency?

1.6 Scope/Limitation of the Study

The study is delimited under the following heading: content scope, geographical scope and unit of analysis.

Content Scope:The content scope of this study involves an investigation to ascertain the relationship between career development and employee performance. The dependent variable is employee performance measured by productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.Whiledependent variable is career development, measures by self-assessment, goal setting and action planning.

Geographical Scope:This study is delimited in Port Harcourt Metropolis with special reference to selected Insurance firms in Port Harcourt which include Allianz Insurance 81 Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout, Port Harcourt, Anchor  Insurance 62 Olu-Obasanjo Way, Port Harcourt and Ark  Insurance Brokers D-line, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Unit of Analysis: The unit of analysis in this research involves the individuals at the time of carrying out the study.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

          This study involves an investigation of career development in relation to employee performance. Hence it is a micro level study.

The major limitation of the study is the short time frame the research lasted, coupled with the tight academic time table, which prevented a very comprehensive study. The fund available to the researcher was also limited and therefore the study was limited to a small portion of the survey population.

Another limitation is the difficulties, encountered by the researcher in obtaining all needed information and materials from the right source and compilation of data for the project.

`        1.8 Definition of Terms

          The following terms are operationally defined as follows:


An action planning is a document that lists what steps must be taken in order to achieve a specific goal.

Career developments the sequences of formal  and  less  formal activities of an organization related to the career development of its employees.


Career can be described as a series of positions occupied by an individual throughout his or her lifespan. Career is the constant progress, experience and skill acquisition of a person in a specific work field.


Employee performance commonly expresses employees’ emotional (both positive and negative) reactions towards their job.


Fairness and impartiality towards all concerned, based on the principles of evenhanded dealing. Equity implies giving as much advantage, consideration, or latitude to one party as it is given to another.


Itis the process of deciding what you want to accomplish and devising a plan to achieve the result you desire. Goal setting is an important part of business planning. Goal setting involves the development of an action plan designed to motivate and guide a person or group toward a goal.


It is the situation in which the worker has the feeling of being happy and satisfied with his life because he is doing interesting, useful, or important things.


Itis the process of looking at oneself in order to assess aspects that are important to one’s identity.


Value attainment is the importance an employee attach to the task as it relates to their conception of their identity and ideals or their competence in their work environment.

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