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Due to increase human population, industrialization, use of fertilizers and man-made activity, ground water is highly polluted with different harmful contaminants. It is necessary that the quality of drinking water should be checked at regular time interval, because due to use of contaminated drinking water, human population suffers from varies of water borne disease. The availability of good quality water is an indispensable feature for preventing diseases and improving quality of life. It is necessary to know details about different geophysical parameters as colour, temperature, hardness, pH, and alkalinity. Some water analysis reports with geophysical parameters have been given for the exploring parameter study, guidelines of different geophysical parameters also have been given for comparing the value of real water sample. 





Beneath the earth crust is a large reservoir called underground water. It comprises of springs, wells, and bore whole water.

It provides relatively pure and more release supply of water and requires minimal cost in developing and maintaining it. However extractions of water from underground sources in the rural areas are plaque by problems like salt water intrusion, calcium, magnesium, iron, into the fresh. Water reserves. The amount of water present on the earth is so great that a layer of thickness about 250m would be found if it were uniformly distributed over the earth surface (Adefemi et al; 2010).

The quality of ground water depends on various chemical constituents and their concentration, which are mostly derived from the geological data of the particular region. Industrial waste and one the municipal solid waste have of surface and ground water. In many parts of the   country available water is rendered non-portable because of the presence of heavy metal in excess. The situation gets worsened during the summer season due to water scarcity and rain water discharge. Contamination of water resources available for house hold and drinking purposes with heavy elements, metal iron and harmful micro organisms is one of the serious major health problems, the recent research in Haryana (India)

Concluded that it is the high rate of exploration them it’s recharging, inappropriate dumping of degradation of ground water quality (Guptaa 2009).

Water is one of the important and abundant compounds of the ecosystem. All living organism on the earth need water for their survival and growth. As of now only earth is the planet having out 70% of water. But due to increased  human population, un-industrialization, uses of fertilizers in the agriculture and man- made activity it is highly polluted with different harmful contaminants, therefore it is necessary that the quality of drinking water. Should be checked at regular time interval, because due to use of contaminated drinking water, human population suffers from varied of water borne diseases. It is difficult to understand the biological phenomenon fully because the chemistry of water revels much about the metabolizing of the ecosystem and explain the general hydro-biological relationship (Basavaraja simpi et al; 2011).

The availability of good water quality water is an indispensable feature for preventing diseases and improving quality of life. Natural water contains different types of impurities which are introduced into aquatic system by different ways such as weathering of rocks and leaching of soils, dissolution of aerosol  particle from the atmosphere and from several human activities. Including mining, processing and the use of metal based materials (Asalu 1997). The increase use of metal- base fertilizer in agricultural revolution of the government could result in continued in rise in concentration of metal pollutions in fresh water reservoir due to the water run- off. Also faucal pollution of drinking water cause water born diseases which has led to the death of millions of people (Adefemi et. al, 2010)

Most of the rivers in the urban of the developing countries are the end of effluents discharged from the industries. African countries and Asia countries experiencing raped industrial growth and this is making environmental conservation a difficult task (Agarwal A,). Sea Water contains large number of trace metals in very small concentration of many important trace metals (Robertson 2005).


Due to increased human population, Industrialization, use of fertilizers in agricultural and man-made activities, ground water is highly polluted with different harmful contaminants intrude into it human population suffers from varied of water borne disease. Natural water contains different types of impurities are introduced in to aquatics system by different ways such as weathering of rocks and leaching soils, dissolution of aerosol particles from  the atmosphere and from several human activities including mining, processing and the use of metal base materials (Oshodi, 1993).



 The aim of this research is to determine seawater intrusion level into fresh water aquifers and the analysis of portable water quality in the study area.

 This research also anticipates viable means of identifying safe drinking water free from sea water intrusion in a rural area along the coastal line Bodo community in Gokana Local Government Area Rivers State.


Basic objectives of the study is to get exact idea about the quality of water and we can compare results of different Geo-physical parameters values with standard values (Begum et al 2005)


The significance of the study is to adopt a geophysical methods which include combined geo-electrical (VES) and electromagnetic methods for the investigation of the subsurface parameters and the use of laboratory analysis methods for water quality. Analysis of the geophysical properties of the water.

The study will also provide necessary information for River State Agency water Board, Rural water and sanitation Agencies for the operation, monitoring and maintenance of all water supplies in urban and Rural areas.


In this research, they were some difficulties encounter. The analytical instrument and materials used in carrying out the research were so expensive, thereby demanding a huge amount of money.

Distance and transportation also contributed massively in stagnating the success of the work. The owners of the land were the research was carried out, demanded a special quarter of money which brings in a lot of controversies. Sample collection and analysis were also some of the factor that interrupted the success of the work.


The scope of the study is to determine seawater intrusion level into fresh water aquifers and the analysis of potable water quality in the study area. This study adopts geo-physical methods which include combined geo-electrical (VES) and electromagnetic methods for the investigation of the subsurface parameters and the use of laboratory analysis method for the water quality analysis.


 Ground water – is the water present beneath earth’s surface in soil pore spaces in the fractures of lock formation.

 Sounding – is an action of measuring the depth of a body of water.

 Schlumberger array – consist of four collinear electrodes, the outer two are current source and the inner two electrodes are the potential source

 Electrodes – is an electrical conductor used to make contact with a non-metallic part of a circuit.

 Array – is a container object that holds a fixes number of values of a sight type.

 Resistivity – a measure of the resisting power of a specified material to the flood of an electric current

 Geophysical – is a subject of natural science concerned with the physical properties of the earth and use of quantitative methods for their analysis.

 Pollutants – a substances that pollutes something expecially water or the atmosphere

 Apparent resistivity – is an ohm’s law ration of measured voltage to applied current multiplied by a geometric constant K, which depends on the electrodes array units.

 Aquifers – is a layer of porous substrate that contained and transmits ground water.

 Porosity – is a measure of the void (empty) species in a material.


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