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This research study deals on the forms and contents of selected proverbs in Igbo-Etche community, Etche Local Government Area, Rivers State. A descriptive research design was used in this investigation. The study adopted four research questions and objectives. Respondents were randomly selected, data was collected through informal discussions and literatures. However, at chapter one of this research, is a prospective synopsis such the general background of study, research questions, scope, objectives of the study and definition of terms. While chapter two reveals the definition of literature and folklore as a premise to the study of proverbs. It also contains the origin, definition and traditional nature of proverbs. Chapter three deals with the forms of proverbs, and the parameters in determining the contents. Chapter four deals with the discussion of findings and base on my findings, I made recommendations in chapter five which is the last chapter of the research.



1.1   Background to the Study

Proverbs have been and remain a most effective instrument for the transmission of culture, social morality, manners and ideas of a people from one generation to another. The reason behind the efficacy of proverbs is that it is an aphorism, a wise saying based upon people’s experiences, logics, social values and sensibility of the people. Proverbs are significant aspect of human society and as such gain its aesthetics through the use of imaginative words to reflect the human society and belief.

Proverbs as important aspect of communicative art in our social environs display veritable role in literary discourse and other fields of study such as social sciences, Anthropology, Sociology, linguistics, Law and some others. For this reason, proverbs cannot be discussed without prior knowledge of literature and folklore, and by the concept of verisimilitude, literary aesthetics are achieved through imaginative powers of creative artistry to mirror and reflect our immediate social environment.

The most important use of literature therefore, consists in its immediate usefulness, that is, the aimless attempt to highlight and solve the problems of the society. When this happens, we say the author or performer has achieved literary distance (i.e., moving from personal to universal visibility) and on that, we categorize literature under literature of power, and literature of knowledge.

“Things Fall Apart” for instance, shows how Achebe moves from personal to universal visibility through his use of words and share of experiences as earlier espoused in the proverbial meaning.

From prior discussions, shows an unending interplay between literature and proverbs and to further show proverbs as repositories of people’s culture.

It is plausible to say that the relevance of literature as a subject of study is to keep individuals (learners) within the dynamics of the society and it should be known that the literature that we are concerned here with, is the African traditional oral literature which is marked with excellence of form and Okoh (2010), proposed that:

The concern with excellence of form is clearly evident, for example, in the special emphasis of an imaginative, artistic, or creative use of language. Thus, kind of literature with which we are dealing here is the “oral”, which shares in common with the written, such overwhelming interest in formal excellence. Proverbs for example, not only encapsulate, reflect, or transmit essential cosmological-cum philosophical realities but more importantly, achieves this by means of an essentially graphic and beautifully-etched mode of expression since in virtually every traditional African setting, the art of words is highly valued, the proverb, a genre which emphasizes a deliberate, artfully compact manipulation of language, features prominently in the rhetorical techniques of such culture (31).

There is need to illuminate the governing idea that the African oral traditions as well as folklores is not merely concerned with writings and prints but its beautifully mode of artistry which is the ‘belles letters’ and for this reason, proves our studies on proverb a vital one.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

Collectively in a general sense, Proverbs are literary forms which offer the traditional artists, speaker, philosophers and priests a veritable medium for projection and fulfillment of a variety of socially desired goals. At the level of individual units of aphorism, proverbs fit into the syntax of speech as a figurative expression, and a stylistic device with semantic force. With this therefore, necessitates us to investigate the ‘meaning’ and ‘parameters’ for identification of traditional proverbs since all figurative words do not fit into the terms of a proverb. The research therefore, investigates the various ‘forms’ of proverbs as well as the literary “contents” that qualifies a spoken word a proverbial.

1.3   Aims\Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the various forms and contents of the traditional proverbs in Igboh-Etche.  This study intends to:

  1. a) investigate the traditional nature of the proverbs.
  2. b) investigate the various forms or classifications of proverbs.
  3. c) investigate the etymology and meaning (definitions) of proverb.
  4. d) To provide parameters in measuring proverbs since not all spoken words are proverbs.

1.4   Research Questions

The attempt to formulate the research questions necessitates the identification of two research variables. According to the research topic “forms and contents” is considered the independent variable, while “proverbs” is the dependent variable.

Accepting the independent variable as the nucleus of every researchable topic which has the capacity to be manipulated to have the research result, the following are set as the research questions to guide the research investigation.

  1. a) If all spoken or written expressions are not proverbs, what then are proverbs?
  2. b) Can gender affect proverbial efficacy?
  3. c) By content, what qualifies an expression to be a proverb?
  4. d) Are all proverbs truthful?

1.5   Significance of Study

The relevance of this study is quite enormous as it pinpoints and addresses some of the misconceptions on traditional oral literature (folklores) such as ‘proverbs’.

More so, the empirical studies offer more searchlights on the “traditional nature of proverbs” in Igboh-Etche tradition. The research also investigates the problems faced with young people in using proverbs efficiently also, if age can affect the efficiency in proverbial usage and then, suggest solutions to such problems. Conclusively, the repertoire of this study would prove helpful to researchers that may wish to conduct related researches on this topic.

1.6   Scope of Study

The content of this study is limited to oral literature and particularly, the ‘forms and contents’ of Igboh-Etche traditional proverbs using some selected proverbs as case study.

The study further concentrates on the definition of the term proverb as well, the literary parameters in identifying proverbs and illuminating their aphoristic significance.

By demography, the scope covers the natural habitats (people) of Igboh-Etche community in Etche Local Government Area of Rivers State.

1.7   Definition of Terms

At this point, it is considered pertinent to define certain terms that will aid our study comprehension as well, be considered relevant throughout our discourse.

  1. a) Forms: this refers to the mode of an object or a style of expression.
  2. b) Content: is used to refer to an object found in a container like water, sand, etc. Content can also be seen as the meaning attached to an expression.
  3. c) Proverbs: these are terms used in referring to logical words that expresses ideas in a brief pattern. It is also used to signify a portion of the Christian bible.
  4. d) Aphorism: this is a clearly phrased saying that is seen as a universal truth and it is usually terse in structure.
  5. e) Demography: this is the study about human population and relative changes in their environment.
  6. f) Apothegm: this is a short and pithy saying that is instructive and seen as truth.
  7. g) Axiom: an axiom is a postulate or a statement that is viewed to be truthful.
  8. h) Cliché: this is an expression or an element of idea which has been over used and seen as archaic.
  9. i) Maxim: these are expressions that postulate moral conduct.
  10. j) Expressions: these are verbal or written expression of people’s emotions or ideas.
  11. k) Cosmology: a particular view (cultural or religious) of the structure and origin of the universe.


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